
发布 2021-06-03 23:15:28 阅读 6060

call 词组:

1. we called __mike's house yesterday.

2. all ships sailing on the oceans call __help by radio in english.

3. i'll call __my uncle at beijing railway station.

4. let's call __a doctor for the little girl.

5. many of these songs called __the workers to take up the struggle.

6. i shall call __him tomorrow.

7. i heard somebody calling __to me from downstairs.

8. call me __tomorrow; my number is 536291.

9. your letter calls __the days when we worked together fifteen years ago.

1. call at 访问,拜访某地。

2. call for 请求,要求。

3. call for 去接某人,接走某人。

4. call in 召请,请来。

5. call on / upon 号召

6. call on 拜访某人。

7. call out 大声呼喊,叫喊。

8. call up 给 ..打**。

9. call up 使人想起,回忆起。

come 词组。

1. i came __him first in beijing.

2. come __try it again.

3. i'll help you too if any beast comes __you.

4. now, to come __to what i was saying a moment ago.

5. it is impossible for a dead animal to come __

6. the airplane came __in that field.

7. lei feng came __a poor peasant's family.

8. how long is it since the electronic computer came __use?

9. the trees turn green and flowers come __

10. this magazine comes __once a month.

11. someday you'll come __know the mistakes you h**e made.

12. a child came __to me and showed me the way.

13. searching through the drawer, i came __the letter i'd been looking for.

1. come across 遇见,发现。

2. come on / along 来吧,快点。

3. come at 袭击,向。扑来。

4. come back 回来,回到。来。

5. come back 复活。

6. come down 从 ..下来。

7. come from 出生于。

8. come into use 使用起来 (另:come into being 形成,产生。

come into power 当权 )

9. come out (花)开放。

10. come out 出版。

11. come to 来到,达到,结果是。

12. come up 走过来,走近 / 长出,发芽。

13. come upon 偶然碰上,遇到。

do 词组。

to tell, i don't know how to do __him.

2. i'll h**e nothing to do __him from now on.

3. what did you do that camera you found?

4. the poisonous waste may do great __to the things around us.

5. i think i can do __in english this year than last year.

6. liszt said, "you've done __but i can see you truly sorry about it."

7. i'm going to do my __this year.

8. i was only trying to do a good __

1. do with sb. 与某人相处。

2. h**e something/nothing to do with sb./sth. 与某人(某事)有(没有)关系。

3. do with sth. 处理,处置。

4. do harm to 对。有害 do good to 对。有益。

5. do well in 在。方面做得不错。

6. do wrong 做坏事,做错事。

7. do one's best 尽力。

8. do a good deed 做一件好事。

get 词组。

1. how are you gettingyour english?

2. he got the book __from her.

3. the bank robbers used a stolen car to get __

4. when did you get __from the countryside?

5. h**e you got __the book you lent him?

6. "get __on your knees," said the genie, "for i am going to kill you."

7. the dust has got __my eye.

8. this mistake may get him __difficulties.

9. before i could get __a word he had measured me, and was giving orders for evening suits, .

10. if you knocks into someone, or get __his way, you says, "excuse me." or

"i'm sorry."

11. when you are in london, you might geta friend of mine.

12. the conductor got __and checked the rails.

13. she got __her bicycle and cycled off.

14. you work too hard! you should get __a bit more.

15. if you don't want to go, i suppose i can getthe ticket.

16. we all try to get __at least once a year at christmas time.

17. it took us only four minutes to get __the customs(海关).

1. get along with 进展。

2. get away 移走,拿走。

3. get away 逃脱。

4. get back 回来,返回。

5. get back 取回,找回。

6. get down on one's knees 跪下。

7. get into 进入。

8. get sb. into 使。陷入。

9. get in a word 插话。

10. get in one's way 挡了某人的路。

11. get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系,保持联系。

12. get off 下来,从。下去。

13. get on 上车。

14. get out 离开,出去。

15. get rid of 除掉,去掉。

16. get together 相聚,碰头。

17. get through 通过。


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8 动词 of think of 想到 dream of 梦到。consist of 由 组成 speak of 谈到。approve of 赞成die of 死于。talk of 谈到hear of 听说。complain of 抱怨 become of 发生 情况,怎么啦。9 动词 off st...


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