初中英语三大从句 总结

发布 2021-06-03 22:58:28 阅读 1634

一。 宾语从句object clause:

一。 定义definition:


二。 连接词connections:

that: i think that you can pass the exam.

whether/if: i don’t know what the word means.

wh”: i don’t know what the -

一。 宾语从句object clause:

一。 定义definition:


二。 连接词connections:

that: i think that you can pass the exam.

whether/if: i don’t know what the word means.

wh”: i don’t know what the word means.

i don’t know where he found the book.


1. 与or not连用:

i don’t know whether it’s raining or not.

2. 与动词不定式连用:

he doesn’t know whether to accept the invitation.

3. 连接词前有介词时:

it depends on whether he is coming.

三。 时态tenses:

1. 主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情况而定(各种时态均可)

she wants to know what he has done for the exam.


1)she said that she was a student.

2)she said that she would fly to japan in a week.

3)she said that she had finished her homework already.

3. 如果宾语从句说的是客观真理、自然现象或事实时,这时宾语从句要用一般现在时态。

the teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.

二。 定语从句 attributive clause:

1. 定义:在复合句中修饰名词、代词的从句叫定语从句。

2. 先行词指人 who /that

先行词指物 which/ that

3. 定语从句一般紧跟被修饰的名词或代词(即先行词)后。



eg. 1. yesterday we bought a book which is really hard to understand.

2. the students who are from maple leaf school like learning english.

whom: 先行词指人,则代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语(包括介词的宾语), 与who的区别是如果前面带介词则必须用whom

1. this is the teacher whom\who we like best.

2. i don’t like the boy to whom you are talking.

whose : 指人或物,作定语,表示 “…的”

eg: harry is the boy whose mother is our math teacher.

关系代词只能 that 的特殊情况:


this is the first gift that my parents bought me.


this is the most exciting film that i h**e ever seen.

3. 先行词是不定代词something,anything等时。


4. 先行词是人和物时, 用that.

hetalkedaboutsomewritersandbooksthat wereunknowntousall.

5. 先行词被all , little , the only , the very(就是,正是), the last 等词修饰时,只能用that

this is the last place that i want to visit.

6. 特殊疑问句以who 或which 开头,只能用that引导。

who is the girl that is ****** a speech on the platform?


物+介词+which ; 人+ 介词 + whom


1. this is the train by which we went to beijing.

2. this is the teacher to whom my mother is talking.

三。 状语从句:adverbial clauses







1. 时间状语从句

when --当……时候, 通常指某一特定的时间点,主句与从句的动作同时发生。

when i opened the window, i saw him come up.

when --正在……的时候,突然…。通常主句是进行时或 be about to 时,在翻译的时候,when 可以译成没想到或突然。

i was walking along the street , when i met him.

when 当从句是进行时,主句是一般时,往往表示不满。

someone knocked at the door when i was h**ing breakfast.


when the children had gone to bed, she began to prepare her lessons.

while --在……期间,往往指一段时间。

while we were in america, we saw him twice.

while --表示一种不满情绪,意思是这边在干某种重要的事,而另一边在享受等。

we are cleaning the classroom while they are playing the football.

as --一边……一边, 随着。

she was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.

as --当……时,指一个动作紧接着一个动作发生,从句通常用进行时。

as i was going out, it began to rain.

the moment --一……就as soon as , immediately,--did you remember to give mary the money you owed her?

--yes, i g**e her the moment i saw her.

not… until --直到……才。

he didn’t le**e the office until he finished the work.

before --在……之前。

the passengers should arrive at the airport an hour before the flight departs.

after --在…… 之后。

the customer left the ticket counter after he had a quarrel with the ticket agent.


一。宾语从句object clause 一。定义definition 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。二。连接词connections that i think that you can pass the exam.whether if i don t know what the word m...

初中英语三大从句 总结

一。宾语从句object clause 一。定义definition 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。二。连接词connections that i think that you can pass the exam.whether if i don t know what the word m...


从句是相对于主句而言的,即它是从属于某一个主句,而不能单独作一个句子。在英语中主要有三大从句,即 1.名词性从句 包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句 2.定语从句。3.状语从句 包括时间 条件 结果 目的 原因 让步 地点 方式等 1 主语从句用作主语,如 that the earth i...