
发布 2021-06-03 16:43:28 阅读 8754

4 . 陈述部分谓语用 used to 结构,反问句谓语用 didn't 或 usedn't 或 used + 主 + not .

they used to live in the city , usedn't they ?

he used to get up very early , didn't he ?

you used to play football , used you not ?

5 . 陈述部分用 i am ..结构 ,反问句谓语用 aren't 或 ain't 或 am i not .

i am your friend , am i not ?

i am h**e on time , aren't / ain't i ?

二、 句子结构的变化。

1 . 感叹句附加反问句 ,其反问句一般使用否定式。

what fine weather , isn't it ?

how hard she works , doesn't she ?

how clever the boy is , isn't he ?

2 . 陈述部分用 i wish ..结构 ,反问句常用 may i 形式 。

i wish i had met him , may i ?

i wish i were a birk , may i ?

3 . 祈使句附加反问句分下面几种情况 :

1 ) 肯定祈使句 + will you ? 多表“ 请求 ”。

come here early next time , will you ?

肯定祈使句 + won't you ? 多表“ 提醒注意 ”。

listen to me attentively , won't you ?

表邀请 ,请求多用 will you ,但也可根据需要选用其他形式。

sing us a song , would you ?

turn off the light , won't you ?

表提醒某人做某事 ,除 won't you 外 ,还可用 would you ,can you 等。

do write down your name h**e , would you ?

stop talking , can you ?

2 ) 否定祈使句 + will you 或 can you ?

don't be late again , will you ?

don't make a noise , can you ?

但在否定祈使句后不能使用 won't you .

3 ) let's ..shall we 或 shan't we ?

let's begin our class , shall we ?

let's get down to our business , shan't we ?

而 let us / me / him ..则应用 will / won't you ?

let me h**e a try , will you ?

let us h**e a rest , won't you ?

4 ) 陈述部分含有 few , little , seldom , hardly , never , not , no ,no one ,nobody , nothing , none , neither 等 ,反问句应用肯定结构 。

he seldom comes here , does he ?

you know little french , do you ?

但当这些否定 、半否定意义的词在陈述部分作宾语时 ,反问句间或也用否定结构 。

he has nothing to do now , doesn't he ?

5 ) 陈述部分所含的否定词是加前缀或后缀所构成的 ,反问句要用否定结构 。

he is quite careless , isn't he ?

it is unfair , isn't it ?

6 ) 陈述部分用 i ( we ) think / suppose / believe / imagine ..等接that 从句 ,反问句应与从句的主 、谓语保持一致 ,但应注意否定的转移 。

i think he'll be back in 3 days , won't he ?

i don't believe that they h**e known it , h**e they ?

7 ) 陈述部分用 neither ..nor ..both ..and ..连接二个主语,反问句主语常用复数。

neither you nor i am wrong , are we ?

both tom and mary are new here , aren't they ?

8 ) 陈述部分用 too ..to ..表 “ 太 ……以致不能 ……反问句肯定形式 。

he is too excited to say a word , is he ?

they are too tired to go any farther , are they ?

9 ) 陈述部分用 so 开头 ,反问句用“ 同向 ” 反问形式 ,表惊讶 ,不满 ,怀疑等情绪 。

so you are getting married , are you ?

so you don't want to go with us , don't you ?


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