
发布 2021-06-03 05:57:28 阅读 2784




be dying to do sth /be dying for sth


long to do sth /long for sthbe anxious to do sth /be anxious for

be eager to do /be eager for

be thirsty /hungry for sth

hear from sb. /receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信。

used to go to the gym以前常去体育馆(锻炼)

work out解决。


know another way to stay slim懂得保持苗条的又一种方法。

lose weight**。

put on weight /gain weight变胖。体重增加。

be ashamed of my body /my look/ my appearancebe ashamed of the way i look


take weight-loss pills called fat-less吃名为fat-less的**药。

be quite popular among young women深受年轻妇女欢迎。

the pills really work.这要真管用。

look so slim at the moment目前/暂时看起来很苗条。

recover from liver failure


regret taking weight-loss pills后悔吃**药。

contain a harmful chemical含有一种有害化学物质。

cause my liver to fail导致我的肝衰竭。

insist on sending me to the hospital坚持送我去医院。

a really painful experience一次痛苦的经历。

follow/take one’s advice/suggestions/tips听从某人的建议。

exercise at least half an hour every day每天锻炼至少半小时。

be embarrassed about our weight对我们的体重感到难为情。

learn from your story从你的故事中吸取教训。

come across遇到、碰到。

laugh at me behind my back在我背后嘲笑我。

go for a walk去散步。

prefer to exercise at home更喜欢在家锻炼。

end in failure以失败告终。

suffer liver failure患肝衰竭。

word power and grammar1.

stay in shape保持健康。保持体形。

h**e some fun with your friend和朋友一起玩。

sound fun听起来有趣。

what fun真有趣。

one’s own独自地,独立地。

how about/what about doing做…..怎么样?

consider doing sth


consider sb as /to be认为。

把……当作….be considered to do /to h**e done/to be doing6.

h**e side effects有***。

die young死时很年轻。

the risk冒险。

my brother’s hair fall out使我弟弟的头发掉落。

task and into shape强身健体。

the most of利用。

使用。make good/full/little use of3.

a piece of equipment一件设备。

equip…with…be equipped with4.

laugh at you for being overweight因胖而嘲笑你。

put on weight /gain weight


lose weight**。

eat the right food /eat properly合理饮食。

exercise regularly经常锻炼。

the only way to become fit保持健康的唯一方法。

in the long term从长远来看。

10. try going on a diet

尝试节食。11. make you feel peaceful and relaxed让你觉得平静轻松。

12. increase your ability to concentrate提高你的注意力。

13. as a matter of fact /in fact /in truth实际上。

no time立刻。

马上。15. do a survey among the students在学生中进行调查。

16. give out questionnaires分发问卷调查表。

17. concentrate on全神贯注于。

pay attention to

focus one’s attention on

put one’s heart into

fix one’s attention on18. a good many /a great many

a large number of /a great number of /a good number of


a great deal of /a good deal of

a great amount of /a large amount of


lots of /a lot of

plenty of


a large quantity of /large quantities of


many a接单数可数名词。



m1u1school life welcome reading 1.另外三天another three days three other days three more days 2.努力工作的时代a time of hard work 3.低矮的建筑low rise buildings 4.与某人...

1 牛津高中英语模块111词组

牛津高中英语模块1 11词组汇编。模块一。1.for free 免费。2.pay attention to 注意。3.be supposed to 应该 应当 4.do with 处理,处置。5.in charge 负责,掌管。6.go out 灯 熄灭。7.not anymore 不再,再也不。8...


adj.学业的,学术的。n.成就。n.戏剧的 一幕。n.青春期。n.成年人。v t.影响 病毒 感染。与 一起。n.数量。adj.愤怒的,生气的。adv.反正 尽管如此。vt.vi.批准,通过 赞成,同意。adv.大约。n.争吵,辩论 论点,论据。事实上,其实。好像,似乎。adj.惭愧的,羞愧的。n...