
发布 2021-06-03 05:53:28 阅读 6784

高二(英语) 模块七unit1 project导学案编制时间2011/1/24




1. to express ss’ opinions about using mobile phones.

2. to cooperate to finish the task.


i. 预习书本p14--15的内容。


1. read the title and the first paragraph carefully and predict what the author’s attitude is towards mobile phone use

2. fill in the following form.

3. write down the key words to express different people’s opinions.

iii. phrases

1. 提供给我们一些令人担心的发现。

2. 使…的风险双倍3. 以 … 为基础。

4. 实施,进行5. 更有可能做。

6. 集中7. 未必/不一定。

8. 暴露于辐射下9.和 … 相等/胜任。

10. 在…之前11. 指出。

12. 后者13. 和 … 有联系。

14. 相信/信任15. 暂时。

iv. language points

1. terminal (adj. &n.)

when he was rushed to the hospital, he was examinedcancer. 中文。

excuse me, where is theof the train ? 中文。

2. caution (n.) 谨慎,小心 cautious (adj.) 谨慎的,小心的。


we should use the machine

we shouldwhen using the machine.

3. expose vt. 使暴露于;使遭受;**;揭发。

expose … to…; be exposed to “被暴露于,经受”


this kind of paintall kinds of weather.

作为战地**, 她置身于各种各样的危险之中。

as a nurse in the war, she

1) he smiled suddenlya set of amazing white teeth.

a. exposed b. exposing c. to expose d. being exposed

2to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

a. h**ing exposed b. exposed c. being exposed d. after being exposed

4. equal adj. /vt. be equal to…

总体上说, 女性的体力不及男性。

on the whole, womenmen __physical strength.

he不能胜任) his position.


riding a bike for an hourfor half an hour.

5. associate … with…; be associated with “与……有联系, 与……相关”, 和……来往”

人们常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。whisky __usuallyscotland.

我真的不想和他们交往了, 我不喜欢他们的想法。

i really do not want toi don’t like the ideas.


1. don’tthe medicine to sunlight.

2. five and five isten.

3. he didn’th**ing taken my money.

4. he often tells lies. i don’thim.

5. the accidentthe man standing at the gate.

6. thanks to the development of modern medicine, this kind of disease is no longer

7. he fainted all of a sudden this morningthis, he’d always been well.

8. the teacher reminded us to deal with these maths exercises with

9the facts, the story becomes more moving.

10. once a plan is made, it should besoon.


book 2 module 1 1 和 有联系。2锻炼。3 迷恋。4 发烧。5 躺下。6 以 开始。7 将 投入 8 生病。9 朝 前进。10 感冒。21 适合。22 不工作,休息。23 失业。24 在上班。25 使离开。26 至少。27 至多。28 为 而担忧。29 渴望。30 渴望sb做。31 ...


教材与话题写作 根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文。1.虽然我外公80多岁了,但身体非常健康。每次上楼梯,从未上气不接下气。every time,out of breath 2.当别人问及他为何精力充沛时,他说充足的锻炼是非常必要的。比如 有规律的散步 打太极 play tai chi 等,这...


1.与 保持联系。2.演变 进化n.3.装置,设备n.4.缺点 不利条件n.5.原理 行为准则n.6.制造 修筑,建造vt.7.推迟,延迟vt.vi.延误,延迟n.8.黑白的adj.9.可使用的 可到达的 adj.10.卫星电视碟形天线n.11.使分布,分配vt.12.百分率,百分比n.13.听筒 ...