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牛津英语模块1 unit3 reading学案。

牛津英语模块1 unit3 reading学案unit three (languag)一、短语翻译。




听从某人的建议build up one’ a busy in one’sown

out二、重点语句:i’mtryingtoloseweightbecausei’m so ashamed of my body. (p42, l6)⑴lose weight:


拓展:put on weight or gain weight(译)①don’t eat too much fau’ll .(你会发胖的)②she looks a bis she ?


be/feelashamedof 感到难为情的,感到羞耻的拓展:be/feel ashamed to do sth be ashamedthat …

being unable to answer ateacher’s qulag tobe ashamed②麻烦你这么多次,我不好意思。

2. tain a harmful chemical that caused my liverto fail. (p42,l19 )

cause (vt.) 引起,造成,带来;使得:cauause sb. sth. (caub.)

cause sb./do (sth.) caube d①too much rubbishcan cause .垃圾太多造成污染。

he caused his parents much troubl③到目前为止,这场大雨已经导致河水**了一米。

you can touch a hibernating animal, or even pullits tail, without causin**e or wake u⑤他的粗心造成这次交通事故。

寒流(cold w**e)使得温度急剧下降。

harmful(adj.) 有害的反义词:harmless名词:

ha①smoking can be toyour heal②some bacteria areand they aary for us.

i’iupsetyou---ididn’tmeanaweshouldn’tbe embarrassed about our weight.(p43,l38)embarrassed (adj.)尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的。

拓展:embarrass(vt.)embarrassing(adj.)barrassment (n.)


this is quite an ex④. there was an lait’s the saa–manypeoplwhom**erweightatall,arealwaysgoingon daking weight-loss pills, which adangerous. (p43,l 42–43)


翻译:①shirley, are you always ****** the same mistake?② the couple are always quarrelling.

i reallydon’t know w③you are always doing well.④you’realwag⑤hewasalwaysringingmeu⑥hewas alwag home la⑵ diet (n.) 节食,日常饮食(vi)节食控制饮食。

(节食)abest way(**).②iant to eat a (均衡饮食)③ i’d lovbut i’m (在节食).

归纳:diet是可数名词,可用单数也可用复数。常与on连用,常用搭配为be/go on diets/a diet,意为节食。

healthy eating along with regular exly way tob(p58)

along with连同,随同。

翻译:for my lunch at school, muaandwiches,along with an apple or a banana.

)palongwassistants,__b. working c. is working d.

are working拓展:along with短语加在主语后面不影响谓语的单复数形式,类似的还有:; with”,“togetherwith”,“including”,“aswellas”,“inadd”,“rather than”, but, except, like”()1.

theteacher, with 6 girls and 8 blassvisitinga museum warthquake struck. (2004北京)a. was b.

wad been d. would be

) together wand joan __are going b. h**e gas gone d. were going() do school(p 58)unt (vi.


翻译:①hurry up! every minute now counts.

。iquantity but quality that counts. 。

ladoesn’unt mudays. 。

i believe that hauan ******随堂检测。

一.选择。) _lants to da. made b. brought c. causedd. affected

)2. iaininghad caused the river

a. it; to raise b. which;; rising d. which;raising

) bus rolledvalley, _20 b. to cause c. causes d. causing

) you must __always __so mua. not; can du, jim?

––wurning her baaga–––youyoua. are always losing b. h**e always lalways losed.

were always losing

) can i fix my awu __continually___me wany silly questions?

a. h**e; interrupted b. had; interruptedare;interrupting d. were; interrupting

)7. the father as well aldren skatin**er

every sunday awinter.(2006辽宁)a. is going b.

go c. goesd. are going()8.

surely it doesn’t matter wudentassociations g; what __is what they do entrance examina**ery minute __a. values b. couxpects d二、翻译 lb, along with hundredwany should be thoroughly ashamed of had done so littlarison wame grou吃太多的肉会使你发福。



学习永无止境。牛津英语模块1unit3reading学案unitthree一 短语翻译。保持苗条2.节食3.体重增加4.对感到羞愧5极想 渴望做。6.7.头发等 脱落8.事实上。9.顺便说一下0.和很匹配1.从长远角度看2.立刻3.连同,随同。4.听从某人的建议。专业的学习。学习永无止境。二 重点语...


牛津英语模块1 unit3 reading学案。牛津英语模块1unit3reading学案unitthree一 短语翻译保持苗条2节食3体重增加4对 感到羞愧极想 渴望做 6 7 头发等 脱落8事实上。9顺便说一下0和 很匹配1从长远角度看2立刻3连同,随同。4听从某人的建议。inseret 6bu...


牛津英语模块1 unit3 reading学案。unitthree 一 短语翻译。保持苗条。2.节食。3.体重增加。4.对 感到羞愧。5极想 渴望做 6.7.头发等 脱落。8.事实上。9.顺便说一下。0.和 很匹配。1.从长远角度看。2.立刻。3.连同,随同。4.听从某人的建议。二 重点语句 i m...