
发布 2021-02-05 06:23:28 阅读 7749



1. a popular form of comedy一种流行的喜剧形式2. stand up for your health对你的健康有益3.

talk straight to audience members直接与观众交流4. tease an audience member开一个观众的玩笑5. depend upon取决于。

6. react to对……的反应7. a variety of多种多样8.

queue up排队9. rely on依赖于10. visual humour视觉幽默11.

be inspired by objects被物体所激发12. make jokes about/make fun of/play jokes on开……的玩笑13. play tennis打网球14.

lose weight减轻体重15. trip over chairs被椅子绊倒16. walk into doors撞到房门。

17. fall down on stage摔倒在舞台上18. absurd humour荒唐的幽默19. do impressions模仿。

20. h**e affection for喜欢,钟爱21. only a few of仅仅有一些。

22. later on in life在之后的人生中23. one such person一个这样的人。

24. go on to act in films接着在电影中表演25. host the academy awards主持奥斯卡颁奖仪式26.

perform his stand up routine按照他的惯例表演节目27. be broadcast live广播直播。

28. one little-known fact一个鲜为人知的事实29. be very quick thinking有敏捷的思维30. come up with想出。

31. a technical problem一个技术问题32. make up a new joke编出一个新笑话33.

get his start in silent films从无声电影起家34. howl with laughter哄堂大笑35. be popular with受……的欢迎36.

all age groups所有年龄段。

37. h**e the ability to amuse people all around the world有让全世界人开心的能力40. hear a lot more听更多41.

make films演电影。

42. follow in the footsteps沿着他人的脚步43. live to be 100 years old活到100岁。


44. keep working坚持继续工作45. be good for your health对健康有好处46. h**e effect on对……有影响。

47. send chemicals around your body给全身输送化学物质48. stay health保持健康。

49. help you fight pain帮助你战胜痛苦50. whatever the reason无论是何原因51.

in the end最终52. after all毕竟p5

1. disappear fromview2. act in a film3.

give a special concert4. as promised5. pass away6.

mourn his deathp7

1. make a list of2. be expected to do sth.

3. laugh one’s head off4. smile on someonep9

of your general the heart an the your deep-breathing away your negative your for

art students from…… an interest in精选范本,供参考!










pieces of crosstalk传统相声段落 on to doing sth.继续做某事 pairs成对。

enough skills获得足够的技巧 their skills完善他们的技巧 popular among在……中受到欢迎p14-15

out a play表演一出短剧。

to the other side of the stage走到舞台的另一头 on an invisible bench坐在一张**长椅上 over挪到一边。

if to do sth.就像在做什么 room for给…腾点位子 rather nice here这里相当惬意 down alongside them坐在他们旁边9.—mind…?

not at all.不,完全不介意 over the middle of the stage在舞台**闲逛 down摔倒。

a serious look at servant用严肃的目光看着仆人向…摔… anger愤怒地 out匆忙离去 the ***** into two将纸撕成两半 after追赶 away逃走。

is your duty to……是你的责任 in冲入 to指着。

sth. to sb.将…呈给… at瞪着 out拿出。

roll of toilet *****一卷厕纸 off stage冲下舞台 into撞到。

the way out在出去的路上29.



b6 u1基础词汇积累检测卷。一 重点单词读背默写 1.真实的实现 vt现实 n现实的 2.抽象的 摘要具体的3.画廊。4.信任 信心 信念 nadjadv 5.结果 影响 nadjadv 6.传统 惯例 nadj7.杰作 名著 8.种类 类型 打字典型的,有代表性的adjadv9.采用 采纳 收养...


37.有用38.形状像 39.在电视上直播40.使 处于控制之中。41.考虑做某事42.申请。43.满足某人的需求44.把球传给 45.吹哨子46.密切监视。47.允诺做某事48.在球场上。49.的起源50.传播到 1.我非常高兴应邀前来贵校跟大家谈谈奥运会的历史和重要性。2.让奥运会得以重生的是法...


m1u3短语归纳。1.look good,feel good看起来气色好,感觉好。2.stay keep healthy fit 保持健康。3.be dying to do sth 渴望做某事。4.hear from sb 收到某人的来信。5.work out 锻炼。6.not any more 不...