统考英语B 词汇与结构 题库

发布 2021-06-02 19:59:28 阅读 5887


1. "do you want to wait? 你愿意等么?

- five daystoo long for me to wait.五天对于我来说太长了"

a". was"

b". were"

c". is" (v)

d". are"

2. "jim takes the medicine __the doctor says. jim依照医生说的吃药"

a". as" (v)

b". like"

c". what"

d". because"

3. "i thought that honesty __the best policy. 诚实是最好的方法"

a". was"

b". is" (v)

c". were"

d". be"

4. "eggs, though rich in nourishments, h**e __of fat.


a". a large number"

b". the large number"

c". a large amount" (v)

d". the large amount"

5these honors he received a sum of money.


a". except"

b". but"

c". besides" (v)

d". outside"

6. "we came finally __the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.


a". of"

b". into"

c". to" (v)

d". at"

7. "he asked the waiterthe bill. 他叫服务员要账单"

a". on"

b". of"

c". for" (v)

d". after"

8. "ou shouldn’t __your time like that, bob; you h**e to finish your school work tonight.鲍勃,你不应该浪费的你的时间,你今晚要完成学校的作业"

a". cut"

b". do"

c". kill" (v)

d". kick"

9. "i fell and hurt myself while i _ basketball yesterday.


a". was playing" (v)

b". am playing"

c". play"

d". played"

10. "hedriving me home, even though i told him i lived nearby.


a". insisted on" (v)

b". insisted at"

c". insisted that"

d". insisted in"

11. "it’s a good idea. but who’s going tothe plan?


- i think john and peter will. 我认为约翰和皮特可以去。"

a". carry out" (v)

b". get through"

c". take in"

d". set aside"

12. "a police officer claimed that the young man had attempted topaying his fare. 警察说这个年轻人试图拒付费用"

a". **oid" (v)

b". reject"

c". refuse"

d". neglect"

13. "james wattthe steam engine.


a". was inventing"

b". invented" (v)

c". had invented"

d". has invented"

14. "i didn`t know what to do , but then an idea suddenly __to me.


a". appeared"

b". happened"

c". occurred" (v)

d". emerged"

15. "on **erage, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _ a day. 一般一个成功的律师一天要接待好几个委托人"

a". customers"

b". supporters"

c". guests"

d". clients" (v)

16. "i cannot tell the __difference between the twins"

a". slender"

b". single"

c". ******"

d". slight" (v)

17. "the computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the internet. 在他上网查信息的时候,电脑突然出现了瘫痪"

a". broke down" (v)

b". broke out"

c". broke up"

d". broke in"

18. "the reason i did not go abroad was _ a job in my house town.


a". because"

b". due to"

c". that i got" (v)

d". because of getting"

19. "he __lives in the house where he was born .


a". already"

b". yet"

c". still" (v)

d". ever"

20. "professor smith promised to look my *****, that is, to read it carefully before the defense. 史密斯教授答应帮我看一下我的**,也就是说,要在答辩之前仔细看一下。

"a". after"

b". over" (v)

c". on"

d". into"

统考英语B 词汇与结构 题库

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