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餐厅英语情景对话:beverage orderskey vocabularywhiskey威士忌酒gin杜松子酒。

margarita玛格丽特酒(用果汁与墨西哥龙舌兰酒调制而成)ice wine冰酒champagne香槟酒martini马丁尼酒cocktail鸡尾酒ice bucket冰桶corkscrew螺丝开瓶起子non-alcoholic drink非酒精饮料。


virgin cocktail**鸡尾酒(不添加酒类的调酒)decanter雕花玻璃酒瓶mug马克杯。

alcoholic content酒精含量。

mineral water矿泉水draft beer生啤酒highball加冰威士忌vodka伏特加useful expressions

would you care for a drink before your meal?您想要在饭前来一杯饮料吗?

care for...喜欢……

we also h**e a good selection of non-alcoholic beverages.我们也有各式各样可供选择的不含酒精饮料。

a good selection of...各式各样可供选择的……the pinot noir is a dry wine,quite similar to a burgundy.黑比诺葡萄酒是种无甜味的葡萄酒,和勃垦第酒相当类似。

would you like a draft beer or bottled beer?您想要生啤酒还是要瓶装啤酒?

we’ve got some excellent lagers and ales on tap.我们有些很棒的淡啤酒和桶装啤酒。

lager n.拉格淡啤酒ale n.麦芽啤酒(指一般啤酒)

on tap可由水龙头随时流出来的(指桶装啤酒)

did you want your drink on the rocks or straight(up)?您的饮料要加冰块还是不加冰块?

on the rocks加冰块straight(up)不加冰块。


dessert wine(吃甜食时或吃甜食后饮用之)饭后甜酒。

the alcoholic content of that wine is 13.5 percent.那瓶葡萄酒的酒精含量是百分之13.5。

can i bring you another whiskey?我可以帮您再拿一瓶威士忌吗?

the customer wants a gin and tonic.客人想要一杯琴通宁。餐厅英语情景对话:breakfastkey vocabulary

american breakfast(eggs,toast,bacon,coffee/tea,juice)美式早餐(包含蛋、土司、培根、咖啡或茶、果汁)




cold cereal冷吃的谷类食品croissant bun肉桂小面包,肉桂卷。

oatmeal/porridge/hot cereal燕麦粥/麦片粥scone司康饼。

eggs benedict火腿蛋松饼。



chinese breakfast中式早餐english breakfast英式早餐whole-wheat bread全麦面包dry toast吐司,没涂奶油的土司french toast法国土司。

cornflakes脆玉米片(通常加牛奶和糖作早餐食用)syrup糖浆hash browns薯饼useful expressions

how would you like your eggs(cooked/done/prepared)?您想用什么样的作法烹调您的鸡蛋?

if you prefer a lighter meal,the continental breakfast is agood choice.如果您偏好较清淡的餐点,欧式早餐是个不错的选择。


if you like spicy food,the mexican omelet is delicious.如果您喜欢吃辣的食物,墨西哥煎蛋卷很美味。

the customer at table 3 wants dry toast,so don’tbutter it.第3桌客人想点干土司,所以不要涂奶油。


our breakfast meals include bottomless cups of coffee ortea.我们的早餐餐点包含了无限续杯的咖啡或茶。

the customer said his eggs were too runny.这位客人说他的蛋没有煎熟/太软了。

runny a.水分过多的;软的。

would you like regular coffee or decaf/decaffeinated?您要一般的咖啡还是低咖啡因的咖啡?

decaf a.低咖啡因的(=decaffeinated的缩写)

i’m sorry,but we stop serving breakfasts at 11 很抱歉,本餐厅于早上11点停止**早餐。

餐厅英语情景对话:结账key vocabularycash register现金出纳机cash drawer出纳钱箱。

credit card transaction machine /credit card terminal信用卡交易机。

signature签名bill /check账单。


change tray零钱托盘touchscreen触摸屏service charge服务费swipe刷卡。

sign a credit card slip信用卡签单le**e a generous tip给很丰厚的一笔小费keep the change零钱免找total总价。

come to /add up to共达id (identification)身份证。

pay in cash /pay by credit card现金付费/用信用卡付费settle /foot /pay the bill付账restaurant coupon餐厅优惠券calculator计算器useful expressions

i'veleftyourbillatthecashregisterforwheneveryou'rereadytopay .我已经将您的账单放在现金出纳机那儿,以供您准备好时随时支付。

there aren't enough small bills in the cash register .现金出纳钱箱里没有足够的小额钞票了。

aten-percentservicechargehasbeenaddedtoyourbill .so ,the total comes to nt$2000.您的账单加上了10%的服务费,所以费用一共是新台币2000元。

i'mafraidyoursignaturedoesn'tmatchtheone on the back of your card .can i see some form of id ?恐怕您的签名和信用卡背后的签名不相吻合。


sorry ,we don't take checks .would you mind payingin cash ?抱歉,我们不接受支票。您介意用现金付款吗?


we'reabouttole**e,socanweh**ethecheck ,please ?我们即将要离开了,所以可以拿账单过来吗?麻烦你?

we accept all major credit cards .however ,i'm afraidwe don't accept foreign currency as payment .本餐厅接受所有主要的信用卡。


i'll pay in cash .here you are ,and keep the change .我会用现金付款。拿去,零钱不用找了。

do you need your company's invoice number on thereceipt ?您的发票上需要打上贵公司的统一编号吗?



餐厅英语对话 英语餐厅情景对话。餐厅英语对话。餐厅英语对话。1 waiter how many in your party服务员 您几位。customer four顾客 四位。waiter this way,please.服务员 这边请。waiter are you ready to order服务...


餐饮管理发布时间 2009年11月25日点击数 16050 字体 小大 收藏 a what can i do for you,sir?先生,您要来点什么?b what h e you got this morning?今天早上你们这儿有什么?a fruit juice,cakes and refre...


file e 程国 要上传的文档 英语 餐厅英语情景对话。txt 餐饮管理发布时间 2009年11月25日点击数 16051 字体 小大 收藏 a what can i do for you,sir?先生,您要来点什么?b what h e you got this morning?今天早上你们这儿...