
发布 2021-05-29 15:35:28 阅读 6272

小学英语第五册unit 5 a read and write语法教学活动设计。


let’s chant

i h**e i h**e i h**e my own room.

what’s it what’s it what’s it like?

there is there is there is a big closet,there is there is there is a new air-conditioner,there is there is there is a new mirror.

既复习了前面的单词,又复现了there is 的句型。


1、感知句型“there is ….there are ….


t: now,let’s play a game. look, there is a bag. guess, what’s in the bag

s: a pencil.

t: yes, there is a pencil. what’s in the bag

s: two pencils.

t: yes, there are two oranges.


2、出示家具图卡,教学句型“there is ….

教师引导用“there is ….介绍房间单个设施。

t: look! (师指向黑板)this is my own room. is it beautiful?

s: no.

t: hmm….there is nothing in it. what will i do?

s: 装饰房间。

t: good idea! i bought some furniture.


t: look! what’s it like in my room? (师指向衣柜) there is a closet. is it big or small?

s: a big closet.

t: yes, you are right. there is a big closet in my room.


师出示句型“there is ….卡片教读。

t: when we see one thing, we can use “there is ….


3、出示家具图卡,教学句型“there are….”

教师引导用“there are ….介绍房间复数设施。

t:wow, i h**e some more. what are they? (师举起窗帘和床头柜再次贴图)

s: curtains. end tables.

t: look at these curtains. how many?

s: two.

t: yes, there are curtains. what colour?

s: green.

t: yes, there are green curtains. how many these end tables?

s: two.

t: there are end tables. are they new or old?

s: new.

t: oh, there are new end tables.

师出示句型“there are ….卡片教读。

t:when we see many things, we use “there are ….




第一关: look and say

1.师在黑板上画一所房子出示家具图卡,学生快速用“there is ….或者“there are ….描述。


s1:there is a bed in bedroom.

s2:there is a bed and a closet in bedroom.

个人比赛, 小组比赛。

第二关:look and answer

1.课件出示read and write部分文章,学生**。

2.学生跟着课件齐读read and write部分内容。


the questions:

a) who has a new room now?

b) what’s little rabbit’s own room like?


第三关: talk about rooms

课件出示四个房间,滚动抽签a b c d)

t: which one will you choose?

s: i want a.

t: talk about your room.


第四关: super designers

t: now, i h**e my beautiful room .do you want to design your own room?

s: yes.

t: ok, look at your desks. there are four rooms.

let’s design your rooms. but in this pass you h**e only 1 minute. quickly!


t: are you finish?first, talk about your rooms in your groups.


t: whose are “super designers”?


t: you did very well! i think you will be same supper designers someday.


excuse me. can i ask you some questions?

do you h**e your own room?

what’s it like?

there is / are… in one’s room.


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