
发布 2021-05-29 02:25:28 阅读 9656

写作训练4 --句子结构训练

句式复习:1. 杰克每次来城里都会来看望我。

2. 我既不想知道,也不关心。

3. 他脸上的表情说明他非常高兴。

4. 我只有找到工作才能有足够的钱继续大学的学业。

5. 他醒来后,发现自己被绑在了树上。

6. 这个展览比料想的有意思。

7. 陷入沉思之中,他几乎撞到前面的小汽车上。

8. 他对这个结果不满意,决定找到一个解决问题的更好的方法。

9. 他不仅自编剧本,还饰演其中的角色。


1吸烟 may cause cancer.

2这些女孩子中有两个 are from tokyo.

3现在停止这项工作seems impossible.

4集邮 is my hobby.

5她的到来和帮助 encouraged all of us.

6他能否完成任务 is of great importance.

. 完成句子:

1. if newton lived today, he would be surprised by what已发现) in science and technology.

2. what a terrible air crash it was! you know i本打算 to take this plane to paris!

3. when i returned, my mother碰巧在做饭 in the kitchen.

4. we最终使他们相信 our innocence.

5. don’t waste time any more. it is high time you开始做some real work.

6. our country见证了巨大的变化 in the last fifty years.

7. it is hard to drive downtown to work, so上班 by train ever since a month ago.

8. the generation gap在加大 with the rapid changes in technology, education and communication.

. 完成句子:

1. 他冒着生命危险去救那个孩子。heto s**e that child.

2. 我们都认为找到适合自己做的和自己喜欢的事很重要。

we think

3. 问题在于我们现在是授人以鱼而不是授人以渔。

the problem lies in

4. last week she给我买了一件精美的礼物。

5. she insisted放弃计划。

. 完成句子:

1. all the people出席会议的) were his supporters.

2. the growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors其中大多数我们无法控制).

3周围的楼房 are seriously damaged.

4最上方架子上的书 were just bought.

5. you should adjust yourself to不断变化的形势。

6这座由埃及人建造的巨大的神庙) was a place to worship the ship.

. 完成句子:

1. we all made tom我们队的队长。

2. don’t le**e your books满桌子都是。

3. parents should let their child独立思考。

4. don’t keep your children一直看电视。

5. he fell asleep灯开着。

6. when she woke up, she found herself在一个陌生的地方。

. 完成句子:

1. the first invaders罗马人,left their towns and roads.

2. we每个人 h**e a computer.

3. they两个 went and we三个 stayed behind.

4. give e your promise你今晚会来参加我们的晚会。

5我们队赢得冠军的消息encouraged us all greatly.

6. the suggestion came from the chairman新规定应该被采纳。

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