
发布 2021-05-27 04:23:28 阅读 4915

watching the helen keller movie, i surging, i be helen made such a big achievement, that kind of toughness, be helen shocked by his spirit bumpy moved.

the film tells the story of helen keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost valuable listening and vision, so she became a deaf, dumb, and blind severe disabled. she doesn't like normal person study, the life, but helen keller in teacher anne's help, her overcome her sick. learn to use hand "talk", and mastered english, french, german, latin, greece five kinds of words, in her 24 years old, she graduate with excellent results in the famous harvard university, it completely changed keller life.

see the film, g**e me great comprehend: a deaf and dumb people can h**e made so great achievement, how surprising. if helen keller had succumbed to unfortunate fate, then it will become a poor yuwei "parasites".

but she didn't head to fate, she with amazing perseverance, indomitable spirit, carvered wonderful life path.

helen is a disabled, but her mind is key just and free, longing for the future, she himwith a single indomitable heart, created a miracle in human history, and with lovingkindnehands holding the world of the disabled. she is our pride, our example. helen's life, are tough, will give to us great encouragement, so that those who idling people very regret.

helen unyielding life, not only gives us a lot of enlightenment: we these healthy people, not away your youth, we should treasure this beautiful life, cherish the happineof life. don't wait for lost regret it, then already too late.

from helen keller body, i realized profoundly: a person will achieve, is not the condition quality, but in any struggle and progressive spirit. had a target, just h**e the power, for this goal, will certainly encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we march forward courageously, we will overcome all the difficulties and achieving brilliant achievements.









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