2024年考试必备英语 AbouttheTime

发布 2021-05-25 18:23:28 阅读 6949

what time is it? 现在几点了?

what time is that? 几点了?

what time? 什么时间?

what time is it in london? 伦敦现在是几点?

is that local time? 那是当地时间吗?

what time do you h**e? 你的表是几点了?

what time h**e you got? 你的表是几点了?

what time do you make it? 你看现在几点了?

what's the time now? 现在几点钟?

what's the time,please? 请问,几点了?

what time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了?

what's the time by your watch? 你的表几点了?

excuse me,can you tell me the time? 对不起,你能告诉我现在的时间吗?

could you give the time? 你能告诉我时间吗?

can you tell me the correct time? 你能告诉我正确的时间吗?

do you h**e the time? 你知道现在几点了吗?

how much time is left? 还剩下多少时间?

do you h**e time? 你有空吗?

are you free now? 你有空吗?

can you spare a few minutes? 可以占用你几分钟吗?

how long h**e you been waiting? 你等多久了?

does your clock tell the right time? 你的钟准吗?

do you know how slow your watch is? 你知道你的表慢多少吗?

is your watch ten minutes slow? 你的表慢十分钟吗?

what time will you be back by? 你什么时候回来?

why did you come home at 3 o'clock? 为什么你3点就回家来了?

how long h**e you been learning english? 你学英语多久了?

how long will the sale last? 折价销售多久?

does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店平日是上午9点开门吗?

what were you doing this time last year? 去年这个时候你在做什么?

how long ago was your operation? 你在多久以前动的手术?

回答时间。it's seven thirty in the morning 早上七点半。

it's seven o'clock 上午七点钟。

it's just(exactly,about) eight o'clock 恰好(正好,大约)八点钟。

it's 9:00 am in beijing 现在是北京时间上午9点。

it's 8:00 pm in new york 现在是纽约时间下午8点。

london is 7 hours behind,so it's 11:10 伦敦向后有7小时时差,因此那的时间是11:10

that's right. 8:20 hong kong time. 是的,是香港时间8:20

it's seven thirty 下午七点三十分(7:30)

i h**e a quarter past five 我的表是五点一刻。

it's half past two. 现在是两点半(2:30)

it's a few minutes after nine o'clock 现在九点过几分。

it's a quarter to six. 现在是差一刻钟6点(5:45)

it's 20 till 3 下午差二十分到三点(下午两点四十)

my watch says nine ten 我的手表是九点十分。

it's a few minutes after three 三点过几分了。

it's about to strike eleven 快敲十一点了。

it's two o'clock something 2点多。

i'll be back in 5 days 我五天后回来。

i will be back by 9 我9点回来。

i'll try to be back by 9 我尽量9点回来。

the game starts at nine in the morning 比赛早上九点开始。

i don't think so. my watch is fast. 我不知道,我的表快。

your watch is fastand my watch is slow. 你的表快而我的表慢。

it loses about two minutes every day 它大约每天慢两分钟。

i go to school at 7 o'clock every day 我每天7点去学校。

it's time for breakfast(lunch,supper) 现在是早饭(午饭,晚饭)时间

it's time to go home 是回家的时间了。

it's almost time to go home 差不多该回家了。

i've been waiting here for three hours 我已经在这等了3个小时了。

it's time to le**e 该离开了。

we close at nine 我们9点关门。

see you at ten o'clock sharp 10点整见。

30 seconds left, come on. 还剩三十秒,加把劲。

描述时间。let's set a time limit. 我们设定一个时间限制吧。

it must be done in five minutes. 这件事必须在5分钟内完成。

about six hours 大约六个小时。

i spend a lot of time reading books 我花很多时间看书。

i takes me 4 hours to clean my room. 我花了4个小时打扫我的房间

it has been five years since we last met 自从我们上次碰面至今已经有五年的时间了。

it takes two hours to fly from beijing to guangzhou 从北京飞广州需要两个小时。

i'm going out for a few hours 我要出去几个小时。

we only h**e an hour of work left 我们只剩下一个小时的工作了。

there are only two minutes left 只剩两分钟了。

there are only 20 seconds to go. 只剩下20秒了。

hurry up! i'll give you 30 seconds 快一点,我给你30秒。

i'll be ready in 5 seconds. 5秒之内我就可以准备好

i'm running out of time. 我快没时间了。

wait a minute,please 请等一下。

just a moment 就一会儿。

just a second 就一会儿。

just one more minute. 再多一会儿。

it's just a couple of months. 只是几个月而已。

only three days 仅三天。

in a day or two 过。

一、两天。a couple of days ago. 前两天。

time is running out. 没时间了。

can you finish your work ahead of time? 你能提前完成工作吗?

time goes by fast when you're h**ing fun 当你开心的时候,时间过得很快。

from 3 o'clock to 3:30(three thirty). 从3点到3点半

from 8:00 till 4:00 从上午八点到下午四点。

your room is reserved from the 5th(fifth) until the 9th(ninth). 你的房间从5日预定到9日。

it gains a little 它快了一点。

it loses a little 它慢了一点。

it's long before six 到六点还早呢。

oh,i'm late. 嗷,我晚了。

you're just in time. 你来得正是时候。

it's about time! 正是时候!

the flight is delayed 飞机晚点起飞。

the meeting is put off 会议延期了。

they arrived 6 months ago,and left 3 weeks later. 他们6个月前抵达,在3个星期之后离开了。

in two weeks' time it will be finished. 两个星期后即可完成。

i h**e lived in beijing since 1956. 我从2024年开始就住在北京了。

i was born in 1952(nineteen fifty-two). 我出生于2024年

i wish i had been alive in the 1800s(the eighteen hundreds). 我希望我生活在2024年代

this is an early 18th century sword. 这是一把18世纪初期的剑

i kill time. 消磨时间。

let's kill some time fot tea 喝茶消磨时光。


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