
发布 2021-05-24 15:43:28 阅读 3191


knowledge 知识 black tea 红茶。

brand 牌子 sausage 香肠。

stomachache 胃疼 burden 负担。

criminal 罪犯 dessert 甜点。

photocopy 复印 nickname 小名。

1、 it's a good chance for him to show his k知识)

2. we call him uncle sam as his n___绰号,小名)

3. because of the s___she can't drink ice tea in summer.

4. gucci is her mother's f**orite b___品牌)

5. which would you prefer, green tea or b___红茶)

6. baker had given sophie a pof the letter at the outset of the meeting.(复印件)

7. a group of gunmen attacked a prison and set free nine c___in bufflo.(罪犯)

cook stuffed the chicken with s___meat.(香肠)

9. she was glad to be relieved of this b___负担)

ll h**e just a trifle of the d___甜点)


sweet water 淡水 statue 雕像。

temperature 温度 tradition 传统。

barbecue 烧烤 waist 腰。

battery 电池 accident 车祸。

actress 女演员 asia 亚洲。

1. the t___has stayed hot this week.(温度)

2. they still follow the t___of their fathers.(传统)

3. most torches work on two b___电池)

4. want to join us for a b烧烤)

5. he fell in love with an a___女演员)

6. china is a developing country in a___亚洲)

7. doth a fountain send forth at the same place s___and bitter?(淡水)

8. the s___is carved out of stone.(雕像)

9. it's a nice skirt, but too big round the w___腰)

10. i saw the whole a___with my own eyes.(车祸)


murder ** musician**家。

secret 秘密 bomb 炸弹。

harbor 港湾 reply 回复。

forhead 额头 busybody 好管闲事的人。

champion 冠军 reality 现实。

1. i will reveal your s___in no case.(秘密)

b___was exploded by remote control.(炸弹)

3. the ship steamed into the h___港湾)

4. i h**e had no r___from her so far.(回复)

stop for a moment, weeping sweat form my f___额头)

6. i don't want to be a b___爱管闲事的人)

and stealing are criminal acts.(**)

was a practiced m___**家)

c___is leading by eighteen seconds.(冠军)

felt a certain indisposition to face r___现实)


journalist 记者 ballet 芭蕾。

busboy 餐馆工 idiom 谚语。

green hand 新手 souvenir 纪念品。

cuttlefish 乌贼 submarine 潜艇。

progress 进步 tent 帐篷。

wife is a b___dancer.(芭蕾)

set up a t___near the seashore.(帐篷)

s___glided silently through the water.(潜艇)

c___is a tasty snack.(乌贼)

t blame on him, after all, he is a g___新手)

has made rapid p___in his studies.(进步)

b___broke so many dishes while clearing tables that he was fired.(餐馆工)

j___works are popular among young people.(记者的)

accept this as a s___for our friendship.(纪念品)

s not easy to get the meaning of every i___谚语)


expert 专家 club 俱乐部。

mist 薄雾 excuse 借口。

robbery 抢劫 conversation 对话。

victim 牺牲者 inspector 警官。

detective 侦探 necklace 项链。

is covered in m___薄雾)

e___for being late was that he had missed the train.(借口)

described the r___in detail to us.(抢劫)

you h**e a c___with him?(对话)

is the v___of the injustice.(牺牲者)

i___will visit our school next week.(警官)

you interested in d___story?(侦探)

lost her n___at the party.(项链)

is a famous e___in finance.(专家)

is an active member of the school's stamp c___俱乐部)


performance 表演 captain 队长。

training 训练 realize 意识到。

goal 球门 opera 戏剧。

success 成功 vet 兽医。

education 教育 countryside 农村。

ball missed the g___by a few inches.(球门)

plan to go to the o___this sunday.(戏剧)

believe he will s___in the future.(成功)

ve tried every treatment the v___suggested.(兽医)

good e___can be the gateway to success.(教育)

prefer the quiet c___to the noisy city.(农村)

want to see the p___of dolphins.(表演)

c___led our team to victory.(队长)

ve had some t___in cooking.(训练)

will comes to r___it one day.(意识到)


creditcard 信用卡 reform 改革。

screen 屏幕 decision 决定。

leather 皮革 path 小径。

chart 表 challenge 挑战。

experience 经验 injection 注射。

i pay for it by c___信用卡)

r___is at a critical stage now.(改革)

is a star of stage,s___and video.(屏幕)

made a d___at last.(决定)

bought a pair of l___shoes yesterday.(皮革)

mountain p___is narrow.(小径)

c___shows an up trend of meat price.(图表)

you going to take the c___挑战)

am quite convinced of his e___in it.(经验)

had a bad reaction after my i___注射)


audience 听众 slippers 拖鞋。

printer 打印机 document 文件。

universe 宇宙 satellite 卫星。

spaceship 宇宙飞船 worm 虫。

activity 活动 farmland 农田。

p___can print 40 pages in a minute.(打印机)

hand on the d___to others.(文件)

s hard to imagine how large the u___is.(宇宙)

space s___is used to speed long distance call.(卫星)

s___tr**els smoothly in the universe.(宇宙飞船)

think this w___is a larva of a butterfly.(虫)

are a lot of a___in the town today.(活动)

are working in the f___农田)

a___are no less than five thousand.(观众)

ve trained my dog to fetch my s___拖鞋)


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