
发布 2021-04-17 21:16:28 阅读 9447


contributed a few poems to a literary杂志).

10 years of婚姻), they are divorcing.

群众,大规模的) demonstration happened in the city to protest thecorruption of the government.4.5.


9.it was aof life and death for them.这对他们来说是生死攸关的问题。we expressed our thoughts by方法)of is m仅仅是)a child.

the murder happened at午夜).

it’saride to the park.坐公车去公园需要10分钟。babies are not born with asense(道德感).

audience consistedof women.观众主要是妇女。

h**en't heard from him for我好几个月没收到他的来信了。 h**e but one hole are quickly taken.


for her sister.他把她误认作她姐姐了 are原产于)to china.

is aproblem not aone.这是一个地方问题而非一个全国性问题。

is the daughter of my brother, so she is my

services are now back to正常)after last week’s 2 offices opened in the十月)and十一月)of 1991 separately.


idea neverto me.这个想法从未闪现在我脑海。

my看法洋葱) is good for our surgeon is performing a heart手术). am strongly反对的)to your suggestion.

最早的)owner of the house was a 欠)them an apology.我应向他们道个歉。

busy, so i can’t help油漆)the house.

通道,通过)of motor vehicles is forbidden.机动车禁止通行。 are all部分地)to blame.

hopes to spend the rest of his life in a宁静) you want myopinion(个人看法), i think it is a load of me when time有时间请写信给我。

tried to说服) him , but he would not listen to are**) of my is a先驱) of operation on human heart.

wasto share in theof thetrip.(用please变形填空) man’s meat is another man’s毒)

orleaders are actively involved in政治). lost all their财产;所有物)in the beyond my权力,能力) to permit you to do is the best政策).

must spare no efforts to stop the river from being污染). can’ttake all the luggage with you.

你绝无可能把所有行李都带着。 never been to cooking classes, but she’s a good实际的) takes a lot of练习)to play the piano children are珍贵的)to me.

喜欢)to write to her rather than telephone students are well准备)for the time has come to stop够了,别再装蒜了。

that he tookin his __child.


theory证明是) to be right.

was赞扬,吹捧)to the skies.他被捧上了天。

petition to the governor.他们向总督递交了一份**书。 surest way towar is not to fear it.


came here on目的)to borrow money from washow to do it.我不知如何做此事。

boy wasfor being late.这男孩因迟到受到处分。

was appearing in公开地) for the first time since her had a吵架)/ iwith him about who should do thehousework.

the fine品质)of the working people . prefer quality to数量).


1 bob and d id are friendsof them work in the art club as volunteers.a.all b.bothc.eachd.every 2 can you find our city a lot in recent years?yes.the r...


词汇配套练习。根据语境及所给汉语写出英语,注意形式变化。1.he is an能干的 man.will you能够 come tomorrow?2.i know nothing关于 the matter.they walked四处 and took some photos.he left here 大...

英语词汇分类18 货币英语词汇

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