
发布 2021-05-24 14:01:28 阅读 7431

1)算到;数到eg:can you count from one to ten你能从一数到十吗?

2)数;计算以求总数eg:the shopkeeper was counting his money店主正在数钱3)看作;认为eg:she counts him as a friend她把他当作朋友。

2 ncount

1)计算;计数;总数eg:the exact count was 500确切的合计数是5002)罪状;eg:he was found guilty on two counts他被判有两条罪状文中的句子:

it’s the thought that counts心意到了就足够了同根词:countable (adj)可数的countable nounts可数名词词组:(1)count on期待;指望+ sb

eg:we can count on to help us我们可以指望怀特先生帮助我们(2)count up计算;加起来。

eg:please count up all the days that he has been absent请把他缺席的天数加起来。

1)盖eg:we shall cover the table with a cloth我将在桌上铺块台布。

2)覆盖;遮盖eg:the floods covered large areas on both banks of the river洪水淹没了河两岸的很大区域。

3)占地;包括;涉及eg:the town covers 13 square kilometers这座镇面积为13m

cover1)盖子;套子;覆盖物eg:when the soup boils .take the cover from the pan当汤开了的时候,将锅盖揭开。

2)封面;书皮;封套eg:the dictionary needs a new cover这本字典需要一个新的封面。

3)掩饰;掩护eg:this business is a cover for unlawful activity这生意是非法活动的掩护文中句子:

反义词:discover v发现eg:he discovers america他发现了美洲。

同根词(1)coverage n.覆盖程度,覆盖范围eg:there was muchcoverage inthe world世界上有大量报道(2)covert adj密的;不公开的;隐蔽的covert deal秘密交易词组(1)be coverd with为……所覆盖。

eg:the cupboard was coverd with dust衣柜上覆盖着一层灰(2)cover up包裹覆盖。

eg:cover yourself up well衣服穿暖一点。


1)叉形字+字形记号eg:the red cross society红十字会。

2)十字架;难;苦难eg:this is a picture of christ on the cross这是一幅**受难。

图2crossv =go across

越过;穿过;横过eg:he crossed over to japan他东渡赴日本。


1)交叉的;横穿的eg:a cross section横截面。

文中句子two people waiting to cross a busy street

同根词(1)crossing n十字路口eg: turn right at the next crossing在下一个十字路口右拐(2)across :go across eg:

please be careful when you go across the road

3)crossroads n (人生等的)紧要关头at the crossroads you musn’t lose heart在这紧要关头你不应泄气。

4)cross-courtry adj \adv越野比赛;越野运动;越野的cross-country jeep越野吉普车。

词组:(1)cross out划掉;删掉eg: cross out the last two names把最后两个名字划掉。

4 cryv : 1)喊叫eg: the man cried for help这人大声呼救。

2)哭eg: what’s she crying about?她为什么哭?

n 3)叫喊;叫声;哭泣eg: they had a cry of him他们为他而欢呼。

4)公愤eg: a national cry for lower taxes全国要求降税的呼声文中句子: i found a small boy crying in the corner

同义词:(1)sob抽泣eg: she is sobbing because her father died她为她爸爸死而抽泣。


词组:(1)cry for the moon要求不可能的事空想(2)cry one’s eyes out痛哭流涕。

eg: he is very sad . he cries his eyes out(3) cry off from + n打退堂鼓。

eg: he cried off from the speech contest他对演讲比赛打退堂鼓了(4)cry out against大声反对。

eg: we cried out against the rule我们强烈反对那项规定。

5)cry out for迫切需要(不可用被动语态)eg:the garden is crying out for rain那花园急需用水。

1)剪切;割;削eg:cut the watermelon into 2 halves把西瓜切成两半2)割破;刺破eg:he cut his finger他把手割破了。

3)修剪eg:go and h**e your hair cut去把你的头发理一理。

4)删节eg:your article is too long. it needs cutting你的文章太长,需删节5)减少;减低(分量、价钱)eg:

was your salary cut?你的薪水减少了吗?

cutn1)切;割;鞭打;砍伤eg:the soldier had a deep cut in the leg这个士兵腿上有一道伤口2)删节eg:there were several cuts in the foreign film该外国影片有多处被删去。

3)缩减;减少eg:some stores h**e announced a price cut at the end of the year年终一些商店。


文中句子:cut up the bananas把香蕉切掉。


英语单词的记忆是很重要的重要。但对于学不好英语的人来说,这恰恰是他们的致命之处。其实记忆英语单词也是比较easy。在记忆单词时,我们大可先由英文记中文,再由中文记英文的 双向互动法 在有了想当的基础后,我们就要想更高层发展了。这里的更高层指的就是 phrasee 紧接着,我们本应该加以应用了,但英语...




哈喽,大家好,我是林老师,欢迎大家和老师一起轻松有趣背单词!单词总是记不住怎么办?用了九牛二虎之力好不容易记住几个单词,过会就忘记了,真是让人烦恼。既然用传统的死记硬背方法记不住单词,那没有另外的方法轻松快速背单词呢?今天林老师教大家一种有趣背单词的方法。下面通过几个单词的记忆法来分析 strict...