五下1 6重点句型

发布 2021-05-23 02:39:28 阅读 6785


第一单元:姓名: did you do in the winter holidays?你在寒假做什么了?

i learned beijing opera.我学习了京剧。i climbed monut taishan.

我去爬泰山了。i visited my friends and took many pictures.我去拜访了朋友,并且拍了很多**。

i went to hainan and swam in the sea.我去了海南,并且游泳了。i went ice fishing on the lake.


i went dog sledding with my father.我和爸爸一起去玩狗拉雪橇运动了。i went skating with danny.

我和danny一起去滑冰了。i didn’t ski.我没去滑雪。

i played ice hockey with my friends.我和朋友一起去玩冰球了。2.

did you enjoy your holidays?喜欢你的假期吗?

yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.是的,喜欢。

/不,不喜欢。 was the lantern festival. we had yuanxiao for breakfast.


4. we went to watch a parada.我们去**了列队表演。

5. jennylearned theyangge dance from grandma. jenny跟奶奶学习跳秧歌。

6. danny joined the parada. he acted like the monkey 加入了表演。


7. in the evening, we watched the beautiful lanterns.晚上,我们**了漂亮的灯笼展。

8. danny guessed a riddle and got a prize.


i h**e a look? sure.我能看一看吗?当然可以。

10. what sport is this ? it’s ice hockey.这是什么运动。冰球运动。第二单元:


don’t push. wait in line.不要挤,请排队等候。don’t run on the bus.不要在车上跑。

don’t shout in the bus.不要在车上大声喧哗。

don’t put your bag on the seat.不要把书包放在座位上。don’t walk on the grass.

不要在草上走。(不要践踏草坪)don’t feed the panda.不要喂熊猫。

don’t feed the deer too much ,my dear.亲爱的,别喂鹿喂太多。

before you cross the street.过马路前先左右看看。

the light is red. let’s stop and wait.现在是红灯,让我们停下来等一等。

the light is green now. let’s cross the street.现在是绿灯,让我们过马路吧。

do you want to do today? i want to go to the zoo.


comes the bus. let’s get on the bus.公车来了,我们上车吧。 take my seat,grandma.奶奶,请坐我的座位。

thank you!谢谢!you’re welcome.不客气。 get off at the next stop.我们在下一站下车。

take a picture( photo ) with the panda.让我们跟熊猫照张**吧。第三单元:

1. what’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

i cough.我咳嗽。

i h**e a fever.我发烧。

i h**e a bad headache.我头痛得厉害。i feel cold.我感到冷。

i h**e a bad cold.我得了重感冒。

a good rest, you’ll get well soon.好好休息,你很快就会好起来。 the medicine on time and drink some water.

按时吃药多喝水。 apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我。

5. how can we keep healthy?我们如何保持身体健康?

should do sports every day. we should h**e enough makes us healthy and strong.

我们应该每天都锻炼。我们要保持充足的睡眠。这样会让我们又健康又强壮。 it’sbadforoureyes.


it’sgoodforourhealth.我们应该每天吃蔬菜水果。这对我们健康有益。 junkfoodisnotgoodforourhealth.

it makes us fat.


are you feeling today? much better.你今天感觉怎样?


worried about my lessons. don’t worry. we’ll help you.


lives next to me.他住在我隔壁。

did you live in ottawa? i lived in young street.你原来在渥太华住在**?

我原来住在青年大街。 is she from? she’s from ottawa.


you enjoy your stay in beijing? yes, i do. i like chinese food.

你喜欢呆在北京吗?是的,我喜欢中国食物。 i show you around?

good idea. thank you.我带你到处转转怎样?


there a gym around? yes, there is. no, there isn’t.


h**ing lots of fun.他们非常开心。

are the men doing in the garden? they’re playing chinese chess.那些人在花园干什么?

他们正在下象棋。 chess is different from our chess.中国象棋和我们(加拿大)的棋很不一样。

is a bookshop beside the supermarkrt.书店旁边有一座超市。

women are singing beijing opero under the tree.一些女人正在树下唱京剧。

people are doing taijiquan near the lake.一些人正在湖边打太极拳。

are many people in the park. they’re enjoying themselves.公园里有很多人。他们正玩得高兴。

第五单元: is a river near the village.


there any fish in the river? yes, there are.

河里有鱼吗?是的,有。 are they doing? they’re catching fish.


many ducks do you h**e? twenty-one.你养了多少只鸭子?二十一只。

are the potatoes? thry’re in the soil.

土豆在**?在土里。 goes to school by school bus.


he has science classes in the field.


school, he often helps his parents feed the cow.


are you going to do this summer holiday?这个暑假你打算干什么?

i’m going to tr**el around china.我打算游遍中国。 you h**e any plan for the summer holiday?


better take an umbrella. it often rains in london.

你最好带上一把雨伞,。伦敦经常下雨。 are you going to stay for the summer camp?


we’re going to stay in london.我们打算呆在伦敦。

take swimming classes.


time to say goodbye to my teachers and friends.




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