
发布 2021-05-23 01:57:28 阅读 3844

unit 1. great scientist

ato b把a暴露在b中/把a绑(连)在b上 terrified at sth.被某事吓了一跳 sth. done叫某事被做。

to sb. sth. =announce sth.

to sb.向某人宣布某事 sb. from doing sth.

阻止某人干某事 strict with sb./in sth.对某人/某事严格要求 sb.

to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 sth. in/into pieces把摔成碎块。

devoted to sth.致力于/献身于某事 sth. into sw.把某物吸入/收入到。里。

unit 2the united kingdom

delight in sth.着迷与某事。

memory/honor of ..为了纪念。

s strange that sb. (should) do sth.很是奇怪某人居然会做某事 proud of =take pride in以为自豪。

of=be made up of由。所组成(无被动和进行时) away from sb.脱离某人的束缚 (no) relation to sb.与某人(无)有关。

sb. alone=le**e one by oneself把某人单独留下 an arrangement for sth.做某事的安排。

in a puzzle about sth.对某事大惑不解。

unit 3life in the future

an impression on sb.给某人留下印象 sb. with sth.

= impress sth. on sb.使人记住某事 sb.

of sth.使某人回想起某事/提醒某人某事 similar to sth./be familar with sth.

和相似/熟悉 +(the/a ) lack of sth.由于某物的缺乏 essential for/to sb.对某人来说是必要的 sb.

with sth.=provide/supply sth. to/for sb.


sb. to do sth.=require that sb. (should ) do sth.要求某人做某事。

optimistic about sth.对某事感到乐观。

sb. in /with sth.=assist sb. in doing sth.

assist sb. to do sth.帮忙/协助某人去做某事。

unit 4****** the news

eager①for sth.②to do sth.渴望于/做某事 one's attention on sth.

集中注意力于某事上 a gift for sth.在某方面有天赋 accurate atsth.在某方面正确无误。

sb. to do sth.雇某人做某事6.7.8.9.

unit 5first aid

sb. with sth.= present sth.

to sb.赠予/给予某人某物 damage to sb.使某人受到危害 sth.

to sw.把某物粘贴在上 was doing sth. when (suddenly) +过去式某人正在做某事突然。

is no doubt that ..毫无疑问。

first aid to sb.=perform/carry out first aid on sb.对某人实施急救。

one’s hands on sth. =find sth.找到某物 no sense to do sth.做某事毫无道理。

present at themeeting/be absent from themeeting会议到场/缺会。

sb. from/against doing sth.保护某人免受做某事的侵袭。

intend/plan/trend/mean to do sth.打算去做某事accuse sb. of sth.控告/指控某人某事。

h**e a good“nose”for sth探查发现某事物的能力be supposed to do sth.应当/认为必须做某事。

sure①of sth.②to do sth.弄清楚某事/确保做某事。


1.he wants very much to go to college,but he is anxious about not passing the entrance examination.他非常想上大学,但是担心不能通过入学考试。2.it is abnormal for him to h ...


必修三unit 7 1.keep bear sth in mind 牢记在心 2.long before很久以前 before long不久之后 long在前 很久前 long在后 不久后 3.set off out for sp.le e for sp 动身去某地 set out to do st...

人教版英语必修二重点短语 句型总结

人教版英语必修2各单元重点短语 句型总结。unit1 cultural relics 一 重点短语。1.cultural relics 文化遗产。2.rare and valuable 珍贵稀有。3.survive 幸存,活下来,比活的长。4.in search of 寻找,寻求 介词短语 sear...