
发布 2020-01-03 06:36:28 阅读 8894


module 1

1, on weekdays she alwaysdoesher homework for an hour after dinner.周日(平日)晚饭后她总是做半小时的功课。2,youmaye-mail each other.


3,she’s good atplayingthe piano like you.她像你一样擅长弹钢琴。

4, jiaminlooks thinnernow than before.佳民看起来比以前瘦。5, i’m worriedabouthim.我担忧他。

6, helooks tiredand sometimes hesleepsin class.他看起来很疲劳,有时在课堂睡觉。7, -doesheh**ea lot of homework?

他有许多作业吗?--idon’tthink so.我认为不是这样。

8, jiamincan’t handinhis homework on time and he can’tdowellin class.佳民不能按时交作业,课堂学得不好。9, i’m sure he cancatch up withthe others.


10, you shouldn’twatchtv toomuch.你不应该太常看电视。

module 2

1, it’s timeto get up.该起床了。

it’s timefor school.是上学的时候了。2, what’sthe matter?怎么回事?

3, i don’tfeelwell.我感到不舒服。

4,get dressed quickly.快穿衣服。

5,takethe medicine three times a day.每天服药三次。

6, you’d betterstayin bed.你最好躺在床上。

7, heeatsplenty of fruit everyday.他每天吃大量的水果。

8, shetakesexercise for half an hour every day. shedoesmorning exercises andeyeexercisesevery day.


module 3

1,isyour new schoolmuch larger than the old one?你们的新学校比旧学校大得多吗?

2,how manypupils are therein your school?你们学校有多少学生?

3,wouldyoulike tovisit our new school next friday?下星期五你来参观我们的新学校吗?4,i think his schoolis better than hers.

我认为他的学校比她的学校好?5,welcome toour class.欢迎到我们班。

6,whatlanguages doyou usuallyspeakat school?你们通常在学校讲什么语言?

7,this classroomis much better than the old one.这课室比旧课室的好得多。

8,then youh**e to get up earlier than us.那么你必须比我们更早起床。

9,i think all teachers arehard-working.我认为所有的老师都是勤劳的。

10,which subjectdo you like better, chinese or english?语文和英语,你更喜欢哪一科?

module 4

1, are elephantsthe biggestanimalsin the world.大象是陆地上最大的动物吗?

2, elephants arethe biggestanimalson land.大象是陆地上最大的动物。3, i’d like to seea whale.我想看鲸鱼。

4, he isthe tallestof the three.他是三人中最高的。

5, of all animals horses run fastest.在所有的动物中,马跑得最快。6, cheetahs run fastest in the world.

猎豹是世界上跑得最快的。7, whatdoesa cheetahlook like?猎豹看起来像什么?

8, what are you doing?你在做什么?

module 5

1, whichdoyouprefer, chicken or fish?鸡肉和鱼,你最喜欢哪一种?2, vegetables aregood for me.蔬菜对我有好处。

3, sea food isthe most famous foodin guangzhou.海鲜是广州最出名的食物。

4, they’rethe most importantfoodsforus.对我们来说,它们是最重要的食物。5, do youagree withme?你同意我的看法吗?

module 6

1,what’s the weather liketoday?今天天气怎么样?

2,what’s the temperature?温度怎么样?

3, it’smuch coldertoday than yesterday. put on your coat, please.今天比昨天冷得多,穿上大衣吧。

4, it’sgoing to rain,takean umbrellawithyou, please.天要下雨,随身带把雨伞吧。

5, we’d better take morewarm clothes.我们最好多穿一些御寒的衣服。

6,what will the weather be likethere tomorrow?那里明天的天气怎么样?

7, how manyseasons are therein england?英国有多少个季节?

8, autumnlastsfromseptembertonovember.秋天从9月持续到11月。9, what season do you like best?


10, ilike sitting bythe fire andwatchingtv.我喜欢坐在火旁看电视。


重点句型大放送。重点句型大放送。适用年级 初二年级。重点句型是了解语言结构组成的极佳工具,下面我们将课本 现的重点句型加以总结,以利于同学们日常复习和课下记忆理解。本次共放出13个重点句型,希望同学们能好好利用,提高学习效率。原句回放1 thank you for english fun lesso...


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