
发布 2020-01-03 06:38:28 阅读 2558


一。 教学内容:


1. 让我来帮你吧。

let me help you.

2. 让我来帮你搬。

let me carry it for you.

3. 你能帮我吗?当然可以了。

could you help me, please? certainly.

4. 现在是12点过12分。

it’s twelve past twelve now.

5. 我们该上课了。

it’s time for us to h**e classes.

6. 我必须得走了。

i must go.

7. 今天是周二,一月十八号。

is tuesday, january 18th.

8. 大家都在这儿吗?

is everyone here today?

9. 请把这些书给你的同学们。

please give these books to your classmates.

10. 我想把这些书拿到教室去。

i want to take these books to the classroom.

11. 箱子里装满了苹果。

the box is full of apples.

12. 我想把这些东西放到床下面。

i want to put these things under the bed.

13. 这儿有一瓶满的。

here is a full one.

14. 我来帮你找到它。

let me help you find it.

15. 在儿童节那天,一个美国的年轻妇女带她的儿子去北京动物园。

on children’s day a young woman from america goes to beijing zoo with her little son.

16. 她请求警察帮助她。

she goes to ask the policeman for help.

17. 我就来。

i am coming.

18. 另一只袜子在哪儿?我想它在我的一只鞋里。

where’s the other sock? i think it’s in one of my shoes.

19. 你必须照管好你的东西。

you must look after your things.

20. 你( 他 ,她, 他们)怎么了?

what’s wrong with you( him, her, them)?

21. 请走这边。

come this way, please.

22. 她认为不是这样。

she doesn’t think so.

23. 让我看一看。

let me h**e a look.

24. 你们能帮我们学英语吗?

could you help us with our english?

25. 他能帮他们修计算机吗?

could he help them mend the computer?

26. 让他跟我们一起去吧。

let him go with us.

27. 机器人既没有胳膊也没有手。

robot has no arms and no hands.

28. 她的女儿丢了。

her daughter is lost.

29. 告诉我她的外貌。

tell me what she looks like.

30. 她穿着红色的连衣裙吗?

is she in a red dress?

31. 这儿有个小女孩儿。

there is a little girl here.

32. 瓶子里有一点儿果汁儿。

there is a little juice in the bottle.

33. 不必谢。(写出5种)

that’s all right(ok).

you are welcome.

not at all.

it’s a pleasure.

34. —他饿了。你呢?— 我也饿了。

he is hungry. what about you? i am hungry, too.

35. 我的衬衫是新的。你的 / 他的 / 她的 / 他们的呢?

my shirt(blouse) is new.

what about yours/his/hers/theirs?

36. 跑步怎么样?

what about running?

37. 他最喜欢吃的食物是什么?

what’s his f**ourite food?

38. 你们早饭想吃什么? 我们想吃面包喝牛奶。

what would you like for breakfast? we want some bread and a glass of milk.

39. 你的朋友晚饭想吃鱼和米饭吗?

does your friend want to h**e some rice and fish for supper?

40. 他们想要几杯果汁儿?

how many glasses of juice do they want?

41. 你们想要点儿东西喝吗?

would you like something to drink?

42. 他早饭经常吃什么?有时吃粥,有时吃面包和鸡蛋。

what does he often h**e for breakfast?

sometimes he has porridge, and sometimes he has some bread and eggs.

43. 我经常和父母一起在家吃晚饭。

i often h**e dinners at home with my parents.

44. 有时我和朋友一起出去吃。

sometimes we go out to eat with my friends.

45. 她没时间回家吃午饭。

she has no time to go home for lunch.

46. 那个男孩会游泳吗? 不会。

can the boy swim? no, he can’t.

47. 你会像这样传球吗?会。

can you pass the ball like this? yes, i can.

48. 他不擅长打篮球,但他喜欢看篮球比赛。

he isn’t good at playing basketball, but he likes watching basketball matches.

49. 你想试试吗?

do you want a go?

50. 带着风筝像这样跑。

run with the kite like this.

51. 她最喜欢的运动是滑冰。

her f**ourite sport is skating.

52. 别像那样跳。

don’t jump like that.

53. 让我试试。很容易。 不太难。

let me h**e a try. it’s easy. it is not too hard.

54. 孩子们每星期二下午打篮球。

the children play basketball every tuesday afternoon.

55. 汤姆是个篮球迷。乔丹是他最喜欢的篮球运动员。

tom is a basketball fan. michael jordan is his f**ourite basketball player.

56. 迈克,你在做什么? 我在整理床铺。

mike, what are you doing? i am ****** the bed.

57. 凯特在做什么? 她在跑步。

what is kate doing? she is running.

58. 露茜在穿鞋吗? 是的。

is lucy putting on her shoes? yes, she is.

59. 韩梅在和谁聊天? 我不知道。

who is han mei talking with? sorry, i don’t know.

60. 谁在和李雷一起浇花? 约翰。

who is li lei watering the flowers with? jonh.

61. 丽丽在哪儿拍照? 在公园里。

where is lily taking photos? in the park.

62. 吉姆在包饺子还是在做作业? 他在写作业。

is jim ****** dumplings or doing his homework? he’s doing his homework.

63. 她们穿着什么衣服 ? 丽丽穿着红毛衣。露茜穿着蓝毛衣。

what are they wearing?

lily is wearing a red sweater. lucy is wearing a blue sweater.

64. 他们中的许多人是年轻人。

many of them are young people.

65. 她们想做什么? 她们想在湖上划船。

what do they want to do? they want to boat on the lake.

66. 商店这时候关门了。

the shop is closed at this time of day.

67. 我可以向你借本英汉词典吗?

may i borrow an english-chinese dictionary from you?

68. 那家商店24小时营业。

the shop is open 24 hours a day.


小升初英语 重点句型回顾。一。教学内容 重点句型回顾 i 1.让我来帮你吧。let me help you.2.让我来帮你搬。let me carry it for you.3.你能帮我吗?当然可以了。could you help me,please?certainly.4.现在是12点过12分。i...


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