2019届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案 第43天

发布 2021-05-22 14:04:28 阅读 5679

i. 重点单词。

1.splendid adj.壮丽的,辉煌的

2. statue n.塑像,雕像

3. submit v.(使)服从,(使屈服)

4. surrounding adj.周围的,附近的 n.(surroundings)环境

5. suspect n.嫌疑犯/v. 怀疑

6. swallow v.吞下,抑制 n.燕子

7. switch v.转换,转变 n.开关,电闸



10. thorough adj.完全的,彻底的。

ii. 重点短语。

1. 辉煌的胜利 a splendid victory

2. 压出,挤出squeeze out of

3.….人的塑像a statue of / to sb

4.屈服与/ 把….递交 submit ….to

5. 被…所环绕 be surrounded by/ with

6. 怀疑某人…. suspect sb of

7. 吞噬, 吞没swallow up

8. 打扫,横扫 sweep up

9. 关上(电灯,电视),断掉电源 switch off 开(电灯,收音机) switch on

10. 代替 take the place of 吸收,欺骗 take in 雇佣,承担take on

腾飞,起飞,成功take off 开始从事,战去take up

iii. 佳句赏析。

1. 另外三个人屈服了,但不愿这么做,她拒绝了。

the other three submitted but rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.

2. 请在截止日期前将报告交给我。

please submit your reports to me before the deadline.

3. (谚)一燕不成夏。

one swallow does not make a summer.

4. 文字比**更为有力。

the pen is more powerful than the sword.


after he retired from office, rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

6.无论做什么工作都要干净利落。you should always try to be thorough in whatever you do.


1. cotton is纺成) into thread.

2. what a (壮观) sight!

3. he is the prime嫌疑犯)in the case .

提交) a plan to the congress last week.

fire吞没) up the house.

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

was at his point that her acting career really .

a. took up b. took off c. took in d. took down

is ill, so i wonder who can of him?

a. take place b. in place c. take the place d. replace






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