2019届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案 第81天

发布 2021-05-22 13:53:28 阅读 9201




circumstance [c]情况;环境经济情况[ u]命运;客观情况 adj.国内的;市民的;文职的 [巧合;一致;符合 n.碰撞;冲突 v.

干(错事),犯(罪);监禁;使承担义务 [c/u]承诺,保证;责任,义务 adj.有能力的;能胜任的 [c/u]能力;技能;权限 [c n]组成部分;成分;组建 n.让步;妥协。

vt证实,确定;批准,使生效;坚持认为 [c,u]一致;(意见等的)一致 v.商量;商业;考虑;参考 vt.反驳;与。矛盾 adj.矛盾的,相反的。

adj.腐败的;**的使腐化堕落;vt.贿赂腐化堕落;vi.腐坏 [c]批评家;评论家19. critical adj.关键性的,批评的。

[c. u.]批评;批判;评论21. criticize vt./vi批判;批判;指责。

22. cosy adj.暖和而舒服的23. creed n.信条。

adj,狡猾的25. currency n.货币;通货。

vt.压碎;压坏;碾碎 adj.欺诈的;不诚实的 adj.具体的;实在的ii重点短语。

ordinary circumstances在一般情况下 no circumstances在任何情况下都不 under present circumstances在目前情况 murder犯**案。

5. commit sb/ oneself to sth./ to doing sth.承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)

into collision with和…发生碰撞7. a consensus of opinion意见的一致。

8. reach a consensus on sth.在某事上达成一致的意见 critical about对…挑剔。

10. at critical moment关键时刻 one’s views反驳某人的观点。


12. be competent at能胜任某事iii佳句赏析。

eggs crash easily.

he was corrupted by power and ambition.

if you commit a crime you can never escape being taken on too many commitments.

i must consult my principal on this 词汇练习shedoesn’twanttomakeabigemotional承诺) experiment证实)his theory.

and the一致)of most people is that the music is very and kind or残忍)and unkind?

the police h**e nothing具体的)to go you查阅)reference 短语练习。

h**e been told that under no circumstancesthe office telephone forpersonal affairs.

a. may we use b. we can use c. we could use d. did we use

kept silent, justbecause shedidn’t like to __her husbandin c. deny d. face

can’t be a(nthat four jewelry stores were robbed in one coincidence b. accident c. incident d.


consult b. discuss c. instruct d. correct

was very __at her work and as a result of this , she finished the workahead of time. a. capable b.

able c. effective 答案。

1. commitment


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