2019届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案 第31天

发布 2021-05-22 14:03:28 阅读 6851

i. 重点词汇。

1. observe v. 注意到,观察到;遵守,奉行。

2. occasion n. 时刻,场合。

3. occupation n. 工作,职业,占领。

4. optimism n. 乐观,乐观主义。

5. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的,正常的。

6. outspoken adj. 直言的,坦诚的。

7. outstanding adj. 突出的,杰出的。

8. overcome v. 克服,战胜,受到。。。极大的影响。

9. particular adj. 特殊的 n. 细节,细目。

10. personality n. 性格,个性,人格。

11. pest n. 害虫,害鸟。

12. pirate n. 海盗,盗版。

13. porridge n. 粥,麦片粥。

14. posture n. 姿势,体态。

15. preserve v. 保护,保存, 维持,腌(肉)等 n. 保护区。

16. produce v. 生产,制造,创作,引起,产生。

ii. 重点短语。

1. an ordinary worker 一个平凡的工人。

2. a common mistake 一个常犯的错误。

3. overcome the bad habit 克服恶习。

4. pick out 挑出,辨别出。

5. preserve eggs in salt 腌蛋。

iii. 佳句赏析。

1. before you begin to write, take the time to pause, listen carefully, feel and touch, see and observe.


2. you can take him anywhere: whether it's to an art opening or a bar closing, he knows how to act, dress, and circulate at (nearly) every occasion.


3. optimism is an intellectual choice.


4. the risk is that europe will get hit harder, in particular its financial system.


iv. 词汇练习。

1. he观察) keenly but says very little.

2. he loves science fiction in尤其)

3. the doctor做) the operation.

4. on a shelf nearby is coffee, already packed cans to保持)its fl**or .

v. 短语练习。

1. it was so dark in the cinema that i could hardlymy friend.

a turn outb bring out

c call outd pick out

2. she was veryabout her clothes.

a specialb particular

c especiald unusual

3. though h**ing lived abroad for years, many chinese stillthe tradional customs.

a performb possess

c observed support

答案。observes/ particular/ performed/ preserve





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