2019届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案 第89天

发布 2021-05-22 13:54:28 阅读 8763



[c]贮藏;蓄积 adj.肥壮的;强壮的;坚固的3strengthen vt.加强;巩固 vt.诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓。

[u]疼痛;痛苦pl.苦难;疾苦6. suspect n.

嫌疑犯v.疑有,怀疑 n.交响乐,交响曲 adj.

机智的;圆滑的;言行得体的 vi.伺候;招待;关心;易于;往往 [c]倾向;趋势;意向 vt./vi.

(使)服从;(使)顺从;(使)屈服;提出,提交;建议,认为 adj.无比的,极度的;最高的;决定性的ii重点短语。

out杰出;坚决反对;坚持到底 by站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持;援助 for表示;象征 unity加强团结y

against与斗争 for为。而斗争。

storage冷藏 oneself to甘受服从。

willingly信悦诚服 courage最大的勇气。


12 the supreme moment决定性的时刻 at sb.咒骂某人。

to do...倾向做。倾向去做某事iii佳句赏析。

want to strengthen our ties with stand by you whatever happened.

3. he was too proud to submit to such treatment

4. your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire.5.

a person may be a time of adversity, tend to do better。

historicopportunity" was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

my student is a honeybee, i submit willingly pick the honey the 词汇练习。

has a强壮的) makeup.

增强) the mind ,as labor does the 斗争)for freedom was long and hard.


died without much痛苦).

发誓) i won’t tell anyone your 服从) to your superior judgement.

7. we怀疑)that it was a trick to get our 短语练习。

1. to make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to knowtheir __and weakness.

a. strengths b. benefits c. techniques d. can’t stand __with jane in the same office.

a. working; stopping b. to work ; stopping c. working ; to stop d. to work; tostop

plastics can __very high and very low stand b. hold c. carry d. support

they believe, _the national character rather than strengthen b. strong c. strength d. force

___rumors in the town and was arrested by the suspected to spread b. was suspected of spreadingc. was suspected to spread d.

was suspected engineers __the project to the board for admitted b. permitted c. submitted d.


is a growing __for people to work at home instead of in officesa. temptation b. tendency c.

tradition d. fashion

1. stout 2. strengthen 3. struggle 4. suffering 5. swear acaab cb


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