
发布 2021-05-22 11:58:28 阅读 1786



1. 一双,一对a pair of

2. 引起恐慌cause a panic

3. 平行的;类似的 be parallel to/ with

4. 原谅某人做某事 pardon/ excuse/ forgive sb for doing sth

5. 禁止停车no parking

6. (在…中)起作用 play a part/ role in

7. 参与;参加 participate in/ take part in/ join in

8. (过于)讲究的;挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 be particular about

9. 去世pass away

10. 对(某人)有耐心 h**e patience with sb = be patient with sb

11. 为…铺平道路 p**e the way for

12. 偿还(欠款pay back

13. 还清债务pay off the debt

14. 与某人和解;同某人言归于好 make (one’s) peace with

15. -所特有的be peculiar to

16. 用铅笔in pen

17. 请求许可ask for permission

18. 允许做某事permit doing sth

19. 允许某人做某事 permit sb to do sth

20. 孜孜不倦地学习 persevere in doing sth

21. (固执地)坚持 persist in doing

22. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do= persuade sb into doing

23. 说服某人不做某事 persuade sb not to do = persuade sb out of doing

24. 分辨,挑出pick out

25. 拾起;获得;学会;买到;(用车,船)接人 pick up

26. 去野餐go on a picnic

27. 清楚地了解 get a clear picture of

28. 一堆;一摞 a pile of

29. 同情/可怜某人 take/ h**e pity on sb

30. 人民解放军战士 pla man

31. 用简明的英语 in plain english

32. 首先in the first place = first of all= to begin with

33. 发生;举行 take place

34. 代替;取代 take the place of

35. 按计划as planned

36. 高兴做某事be pleased to do

37. 大量的;充足的 plenty of

38. 跳入,陷入plunge into

39. 指着point to/ at

40. 指出point out

41. 做某事没有意义 there is no point/ sense in doing sth

42. 改革开放政策 the reform and open-door policy

43. 受…的欢迎be popular with/ among

44. 推迟,延期做某事 delay/ postpone/ put off doing sth

45. 上台;执政come into/ in power

46. 停电power cut/ failure

47. 社会实践social practice

48. 练习做某事practice doing

49. 为某事赞扬某人 praise sb for doing sth

50. 为了某事而向某人祈祷 pray to sb for sth

51. 祈求做某事pray to do sth

52. 宁愿做---也不做… prefer to do --than to do --

53. 为某事做准备 prepare for sth

54. 在某人面前in the presence of sb = in sb’s presence

55. 出席be present at

56. 赠送;提供present sth to sb = present sb with sth

57. 现**the present government

58. 记者招待会press/ news conference

59. 保护森林免遭灭绝 preserve forests from extinction

60. 假装做某事/在做某事/已做某事。

pretend to do sth/ to be doing sth/ to h**e done

61. 阻止某人做某事 prevent sb from doing sth

62. 平/**regular/ special price

63. 为---感到自豪be proud of = take pride in

64. 基色primary colour

65. 原则上in principle

66. 把某人关进监狱 cast/ throw/ put/ send sb in(to) prison

67. 在进行中in process

68. 获利make a profit

69. 在进展中in progress

70. 取得进步make progress

71. 违背诺言break a promise

72. 守约keep/ stick to one’s promise

73. 许诺某人某事promise sb. sth.

74. 答应做某事promise to do sth

75. 保护某人免受…的侵害 protect sb. from/ against sth

76. 为某人提供某物provide sb with sth

77. 当众,公开地in public

78. 对公众to the public

79. 因某事惩罚某人punish sb. for sth.. doing sth

80. 购买力purchasing power

81. 故意地;有意地on purpose

82. 把---收起,放好put away

83. 放下;记下;镇压put down

84. 提出;建议;把(钟表指针)前拨 put forward

85. 关掉,熄灭;脱去,脱掉;推迟 put off

86. 穿上;上演;开(灯、收音机等) put on

87. 熄灭;出版;公布;伸出put out

88. 举起;搭建;提出(计划等);留宿 put up

89. 容忍put up with

90. 胜任这份工作be qualified for the job

91. 胜任做一名教师 be qualified as a teacher = be qualified to teach

92. (使)具有…资格 qualify sb. as---

93. ***be of good/ high quality

94. 因某事同某人吵架 quarrel with sb. about sth.

95. 下倾盆大雨rain cats and dogs

96. 提出一个问题 raise a question

97. 养育五个孩子 raise five children

98. 筹钱raise money

99. 广泛的a wide range of

100. 在---和---之间变化 range from --to --

range between---to --


高考词汇手册词组1 p1 42 每天进步一点点,成功就在眼前!加油!1 一 两天 a day or two one or two days 2 有能力做某事 be able to do be capable of doing 3 即将做某事 be about to do 4 去国外,出国 go ab...


aabandon his wife and children his hope 抛妻弃子 abandon oneself to 放纵于。sb abandon doing sth 放弃做 sb be about to do某人正要做 above above all 最重要的是。h e the abil...


2014届词汇手册新增词汇 词义。1.advanced 在前面的,先进的,高级的。2.ad n.口 广告。3.answer v n.回答 答复 对。作出反应 响应。4.anxiety n.焦虑,挂虑,渴望。5.apply vt.应用 vi.申请,适用。6.arctic adj.常作a 北极的。常作a...