
发布 2021-05-22 11:57:28 阅读 1991



1、一、两天 a day or two = one or two days

2、有能力做某事 be able to do = be capable of doing

3、即将做某事 be about to do

4、去国外,出国 go abroad

5、缺席,不在 be absent from

6、吸引的注意力 absorb/ draw/ attract one’s attention

7、全神贯注 be absorbed in (doing)

8、取得(接近)的方法(权利等) get/ h**e access to

9、碰上车祸 meet with accidents

10、实现目标 accomplish/ achieve one’s purpose/ goal

11、作出(满意的) 解释 account for

12、指责某人某事 accuse sb of sth

13、习惯于…… be accustomed/used to doing

14、担当;充当 act as

15、积极参加 take an active part in

16、总计达 add up to

17、增加 add to

18、把(话)讲给…;把(信)写给… address---to

19、允许入内,被录取进入学校 be admitted into/ in school

20、利用 take advantage of

21、听取某人的忠告 take/ follow one’s advice

22、害怕做某事 be afraid of doing

23、由于害怕而不敢做某事 be afraid to do

24、毕竟,终究 after all

25、反对,不赞成 be against= disapprove of

26、倚窗而立 lean against the window

27、同意;(气候,食物等)适合 agree with

28、悦耳;听起来舒服 be agreeable to one’s ear

29、去(来)帮助某人 go/ come to one’s aid

30、急救first aid

31、目的在于做某事 aim at doing sth

32、活着的人 a man alive

33、一路上,一直 all the way

34、始终;一直 all the time

35、总计in all

36、允许做某事 allow doing sth

37、和…相处很好,进展很好 get on/ along well with

38、一大笔钱 a large amount/ sum of money

39、对感到心烦 be annoyed

40、互相 one another

41、另外三米 another three metres

42、渴望; be anxious for

43、为…担心 be anxious about

44、根本不,决不,一点也不 anything but

45、为某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb for sth = make an apology to sb for sth

46、从外表判断 judge by/ from one’s appearance

47、食欲不振 lose one’s appetite

48、求职apply for a job = ask for a job

49、感谢你在…的好意 appreciate one’s kindness in doing sth

50、赞成做某事 approve of doing sth

51、和某人就某事争辩 argue with sb about sth

52、带领(某人)参观(某处) show --around --

53、安排某人做某事 arrange for sb to do

54、安排make arrangements

55、因为某事而拘捕某人 arrest sb for sth

56、艺术品 a work of art

57、假笑an artificial smile

58、就我所知 as far as i know

59、只要,假如,如果 as long as

60、感到惭愧be ashamed of

61、探问某人的身体状况; ask after one’s health

62、查问;打听 ask about

63、睡得很熟 be fast/ sound asleep

64、在这方面in this way/ respect/ aspect

65、布置某人做某事 assign sb to do sth

66、把…与…联想在一起 be associated with

67、向…保证,使某人确信某事 assure sb of sth

68、企图逃跑attempt to eacape

69、上学attend school = go to school

70、注意pay attention to ( doing) =concentrate on (doing) sth

71、对…的态度/看法 attitude toward(s)/ to

72、人数多(少)的听众、观众 a large (small) audience of

73、平均,平均来说on **erage

74、使某人醒着keep/ stay awake

75、授予某人某物award sb sth = award sth to sb

76、意识到be aware of = be conscious of

77、回顾look back to/ on

78、对…是有害的;…不好 be bad/ harmful to = do good/ harm to

79、自然平衡the balance of nature

80、禁止某人做某事 ban sb from doing sth = forbid sb to do

81、刚…就 hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ rarely --when---

82、在…基础上on the basis of

83、不能忍受某人做某事 can’t bear sb/ one’s doing sth

84、牢记bear in mind

85、好久以前long before

86、不久以后before long

87、讨钱beg for money

88、恳求某人做某事 beg sb to do sth

89、由…开始begin with

90、首先to begin with

91、表现好beh**e well

92、规矩点beh**e yourself!

93、信不信由你believe it or not

94、相信上帝believe in god

95、受益,获益benefit from

96、付帐pay a bill

97、毫不not a bit

98、非常not a little

99、应负责,该受责备 be to blame for

100、把…归咎于blame --on


高考词汇手册词组7 p223 247 每天进步一点点,成功就在眼前!加油!1.一双,一对a pair of 2.引起恐慌cause a panic 3.平行的 类似的 be parallel to with 4.原谅某人做某事 pardon excuse forgive sb for doing s...


aabandon his wife and children his hope 抛妻弃子 abandon oneself to 放纵于。sb abandon doing sth 放弃做 sb be about to do某人正要做 above above all 最重要的是。h e the abil...


2014届词汇手册新增词汇 词义。1.advanced 在前面的,先进的,高级的。2.ad n.口 广告。3.answer v n.回答 答复 对。作出反应 响应。4.anxiety n.焦虑,挂虑,渴望。5.apply vt.应用 vi.申请,适用。6.arctic adj.常作a 北极的。常作a...