
发布 2021-05-22 11:00:28 阅读 7151

n.名词 pron.代词 adj.形容词 adv.副词 v.动词 vi.不 vt. 及物动词。

prep.介词 conj.连词 interj.感叹词。

aunable ability n. disable vt.使残废disabled adj.残废的。

be about to do sth.即将做。


as b 把a当作b接受/接纳 cf. receive

accidental adj.偶然的;偶发的 by ~/chance偶然地。

n./ vi. toothache backache headache

the world=all over the world

v./n. action n. active adj. actively adv. activity n.活动。

act as...扮演;充当 be active in...take an active part in...积极参加 act...out表演出。

adj. actually adv.事实上。

v. addition n. additional adj.附加的;额外的。

add to sth.增强 add a to b把a加到b上去 add...up把。加起来。

add up to sth.合计为;意思是 in addition=what’s more=besides而且。

vt. admiration nadmirer n. ~sb. for sth因。钦佩某人 in admiration钦佩地。

vt.承认;录取 admission n. admitted admitting

admit doing sthbe admitted into a college被。录取。

v. advanced adj.先进的;高级的 in ~ ahead of time提前。

advise vt. give sb. advice on sth. advise sb. to do sth./ advise doing sth.

cf. advise与persuade

n.事物 family/foreign/love ~s

vt. can ~ to do) sth.

adj. i’m ~ so/not.恐怕是这样/不是这样。

n. african n./adj. asia---asian america---american europe---european

australia---australian austria---austrian奥地利人(的) canada---canadian

~ and ~=over and over=time and again反复地 once ~=once more=~又一次。

years ago (一般过去时) three years before(过去完成时)

vt. agreement n.协议 agreeable adj.可爱的。

~ to sth.同意某事 ~ on sth(经讨论)达成共识 ~ with sb.同意某人。

come to/arrive at/reach an agreement达成协议。

n. agricultural adj. industry---industrial

n./v. ~at...瞄准;意思是。

adj.(表语形容词) eat sth ~ bury sb. ~catch sb. ~

cf. living活着的 live现场直播的 lively活泼的

n. in the ~在空中 on the ~在播出 by ~乘飞机。

vt. allowance n.补助金;补贴。

sb. to do sthdoing sth. ~for...考虑到;酌量 smoking is not ~ed here.

adv.几乎(可接否定词) nearly adv.(不接否定词) i h**e seen almost no such book before.

adj./adv.独自的;单独的 lonely adj.寂寞的;孤独的

adv./ prep. all ~=all the time一直。

conj.虽然;尽管 though conj. 虽然;尽管 though adv.尽管如此(句末)

n. angry adj. hunger n. hungry adj.

vtannouncement n. make an announcement

pron. one after ~=one by one another three chairs= three more/ other chairs

adv. for ~/good/ ever永远 he is ~ talking in class.(反感) he is ~ asking clever questions.(赞扬)

n./v. the ~ to the question in ~ to响应;回答。

the door/phone/letter ~ for=be responsible for为。负责。

adj.急切的;焦虑的 anxiety n.

be ~ to do sth.迫切要去做be ~ about..=worry about/ be worried about...担心。

he is too ~ to le**e the lonely island.(too...to与anxious连用不表示否定)

常用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中 come to me if you h**e any question.

no=not any全否 he has no brothers.= he has not any brothers.

v.道歉 apology n.

~ to sb. for doing sth.=make an apology to sb. for doing sth.因某事向某人道歉。

v.辩论;说服 argument n. ~with sb. about sth. cf. debate quarrel

n. arms n.**;怀抱 take sb. by the ~拉住某人的胳膊 ~ in ~

carry sth in one’s ~s抱着s sale军火销售 be armed to the teeth武装到牙齿。

n.军队;群 an ~ of ants一大群蚂蚁。

vi.到达 arrival n. ~at a conclusion得出结论 ~ at an agreement达成协议 ~at/ in sp.

cf. reach vt. come vi.

n. artist n. artistic adj.艺术的 artificial adj.人工的;人造的 fine ~s美术。

n.文章;件 an ~ of clothing/ furniture

prep.作为 workserveactbe famous ~.use a ~ b

accept/regard/ treat/consider/ think of/ look at/take a ~ b把a当作b

~ it is事实上 mistake a ~ b误以为a是b

as conj.按照;像 dance ~ i showed you.

as conj.随着;一边。一边 as time goes by, he has come to love ningbo as his second hometown.


aa an art.1.一 个,件,2.任何 都3.每 一 4.某,某一个 i h e got a ticket.我有一张票。an awful noise 一种可怕的噪音 a bird can fly.鸟会飞。we often go to school two times a day.我们常常一天两...


aa an art.1.一 个,件,2.任何 都3.每 一 4.某,某一个 i h e got a ticket.我有一张票。an awful noise 一种可怕的噪音 a bird can fly.鸟会飞。we often go to school two times a day.我们常常一天两...


a e,ei an en,an art.一 个 件 this is an egg.这是一个鸡蛋。let me h e a try.我来试一试。a dog is a kind of animal.狗是一种动物。用法 1.在以辅音或半元音开头的词前用a,而在以元音开头的词前用an。2.单数可数名词若泛指...