
发布 2021-05-22 09:47:28 阅读 1849

1. above sea level

2. across the street, ~the square, across town

3. take action

4. be in the act of doing sth 正在做sth时。

5. add to; add a to b ; add up to ;

6. admit doing sth; be admitted to/into

7. h**e the advantage of; take advantage of ; h**e ~ over

8. advise doing;

9. afford to do sth; afford sth

10. once again

11. of an age

12. agree to do sth; agree that-clause; ~with/to/on

13. in agreement with

14. ahead of; get ahead; go ahead

15. aim at the lion; aim a at b; take aim at

16. allow doing sth; allow sb. to do sth; allow sb. out/into…; me a few more minutes;

17. a large amount of money; large amounts of…

18. be angry with; be ~ about; be ~ at

19. answer for…; the ~ to; make no ~;the door/phone/letter

20. be anxious to do sth; be ~ about/for/

21. apart from; tell them/a and b…~;take sth ~

22. apply to/for; ~a to b. ;to 适用于。

23. be ashamed of…; feel ashamed for sb.

24. be/fall asleep; be fast/sound ~

25. be absent from

26. accompany sb. to sp. the tapes ~ the text.

27. accomplish the task/ nothing

28. in addition (to)

29. adopt a child/a plan

30. advertise sth; ~for sth;

31. h**e no alternative but to do sth; we returned by the ~ road.我们从另一条路返回。

32. i was annoyed with him because he kept iterrrupting.

33. accuse sb. of …;

34. on account of; take sth into ~ take ~ of sth

35. appeal to sb.=attract/interest sb. ;to sb. for sth恳请,哀求;~ against the case上诉。

36. appoint a day/place; ~sb. as/to; ~sb. to do sth指派sb…

37. approve of 赞同,支持;~ a plan,批准。

38. every aspect of the job

39. assess the effects of…; sth. at $6000

40. she attached a check to the order form. a middle school ~ed to henan university; ~importance to; i am deeply ~ed to this old car.

41. in an attempt to do;make an ~ to do; ~to do/~ doing

42. attend a meeting/a child; ~on/upon/to sb; ~to sth 处理,料理。

43. who is in authority here? h**e ~ to do

44. be **ailable to

45. be well above/below **erage; on (an/the) **erage

46. be wide awake; ~sb. ;his letter awoke old memories. ~to the danger,意识到…

47. award sb. sth; ~sth to sb.;

48. awkward age 青春期;an ~ movement; a long ~ silence,…尴尬的沉默。

49. walk in bare feet; with one’s ~ hand赤手空拳;~ one’s head=take off one’s hat;

50. bear…in mind; ~fruit;

51. the bird beat its wings rapidly. we left early to ~ the rush hour.

比抢先一步,52. on/in behalf of

53. a village beneath the hills; feel the sand ~ one’s feet

54. bid for…; bid (sb.) money for…; what am i bid for this old book?

*he bade me good morning .

55. blame sth on sb. ;sb. for sth; be to ~ for)

56. be blessed with=to be lucky enough to h**e ; i am blessed with good health.

57. there is a close bond between them.关系,纽带;契约,盟约。

58. brand name; the ~ of the bike; *a band of robbers; a rock band, she tied her hair with a rubber band.

59. burst into laughter/tears; burst out laughing/crying.

60. be buried in thought在沉思中;bury one’s head in a book

61. a candidate for the job of… 候选人,候补人;应考者。

62. by chance; there is some/a good ~ that she will be set free. not a ~/no ~ 根本不可能。

63. for a change; make a ~;75 pence ~

64. the characteristic taste of italian wine ; it’s ~ of her that she never complained.特有的,特征的;good planning is one of ~s a successful business.

65. cheat sb. (out) of sth

66. check in; ~out

67. in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;既然这样。in/under no ~s .

68. make a comment /~s on/about…; to ~ on/upon sth; to ~ that-clause

69. commercial bank; too many ~s 电视、电台中的商业广告。

70. tr**eling companion 旅伴,the motorist’s companion 汽车驾驶者指南。

71. a state-owned company; would you like some ~?keep sb. ~

72. complex 复杂的;综合体,综合系统。

73. concrete n. 混凝土;混凝土的,有形的,clear ;~objects ; evidence

74. confirm 批准;证实,进一步确认。he said he would accept the job, so we h**e asked him to ~ his acceptance in writing.

75. conservative attitude ; a very ~ hairstyle

76. constitution 宪法,章程;an old man with weak ~,体质,心里素质。

77. consume 大吃,大喝;=to use (up) time,money goods etc ; a time-~ing meeting,;~er

78. convince sth; ~sb. that-从句;be ~d of / that-从句。

79. credit,信用;信任;~ card; he has enough ~s to get her degree.学分。

80. the british teacher in china was paid in local currency.

81. debate n.&v. 辩论,辩论会。

82. decline 衰落,衰退,下降;婉言谢绝。

83. delete 删去(尤指文字),擦掉。~ his name from the list of members.

84. delight sb. ;take delight in

85. digital 数码的;数字显示的。a ~ watch, a ~ camera

86. she has a diploma in education. 毕业文凭;学位证书;执照。

87. i can distinguish them by their uniforms. 辨认出,看、听清楚;

between a and b; ~a from b

88. drill 钻,钻头;操练,练习;正确的步骤,程序。

89. he spent the entire day in bed. 整个的,全套的。

i am in ~ agreement with you.完全的,绝对的。

相信,认为;喜欢,想要;i don’t ~ swimming in such cool weather.

--he had no clothes on. -fancy that! 想想那副模样吧!


高考英语词汇 agree with,agree to与agree on的用法。表示同意某人或某人的意见 想法 分析 解释等 即持同一观点 idon tagreewithyou.我不同意你的意见。theyagreedwiththisidea.他们同意这个想法。iagreewithwhatyousay....


a1.abandon 抛弃 放弃。abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎 某种情感 2.ability 能力,本领,才能,才智。反inability to the best of one s ability 尽某人最大的努力。3.able 能够的,有能力的 反unable be able ...


新考纲 高考阅读理解必备的英语单词。建立,创立 权威,当局。非正式的,不拘礼节的 放松。环境 随和的。期限 保持。评估适当地。采纳居民。有关的陈述。避难所,遮蔽物 害虫。例外明智的。10infect 感染可接受的。要素成份 感情。脑力地,智力地 运用。必需品 戏剧性的。证据 反映表达。证人 逮捕。精...