人教版初一英语上Unit1SectionB2a 2c

发布 2021-05-22 07:28:28 阅读 3981

第四课时 section b (2a-2c)


step 1 自主学习。


s her telephone __number__(号码)?

ming is in __china__(中国).

__last__(最后的) name is brown.

__friend__(朋友) is eric brown.

step 2 情景导入。

参考案例】ss look at the picture in 2a.

2. let ss know about first name and last name.

t:what's your first name? s1:jack.

t:what's your last name? s1:smith.


导学达标。step 3 prereading

操作案例】work on 2a.

out the sample answers:the l for last name next to smith, and f for first name next to jack. then h**e students finish the exercise on their own.

2. read the list of names in the exercise. ask students to guess which names are first names and which are last names.

设计意图: 教授核心词汇alan,green,miller,mingming,gina,jack,smith,brown,zhang,mary的认读,学会区分中文名、英文名、姓氏。通过跟读,练习巩固所学词汇。

step 4 whilereading

操作案例】work on 2b.

1. look at the pictures and read the messages. then match them with the pictures.

2. circle the first names and underline the last names.

设计意图:认真分析每幅图画的不同之处,a图是两个女孩子,其中一个是中国人,b图是两个外国女人,c图是两个外国男孩。 要求学生平时要注意不同种族的人的特征。


step 5 postreading

操作案例】work on 2c.

1. tell the students to match the names with the telephone numbers. then find three pairs of friends in the name list.

2. check the answers.

设计意图: 为学生明确活动要求,并指导学生通过搜索关键词找到具体信息,即个人**号码和朋友的名字。



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