
发布 2021-05-22 07:15:28 阅读 9503

一、 短语。

1. 我的一张全家福 a photo of my family或。

my family photo

这是我的一张全家福.here is a photo of my family.

2. 谢谢你的帮助.thank you for your help.

或thanks for your help.

(答语:不用客气! you’re welcome!)

谢谢你的书.thanks for your books.

3. …怎么样?what about…?或how about ….

沙拉怎么样?what about salad?

4. 给我打…** call me at +**号码。

给我发电子邮件到…邮箱 e-mail me at +电子信箱。


call them7854687

5. 一些钥匙:some keys 一些牛奶:some milk


一些冰淇淋 some ice-cream

一些草莓 some strawberries

6.我丢了学生证。 i lost my school id card.

总结:某人丢了某物.sb(某人)+lost +某物.

我丢了一串钥匙.i lost a set of keys.

他丢了手表.he lost his watch.

7. 向老师要它.ask the teacher for it.

总结:向某人要某物 ask sb. for sth.

向我妈要书.ask my mother for the book.

8. 中学 middle school

9.在我家里 in my family

10. 玩得愉快!h**e a good day!

答语:谢谢!thank you.)

11. 打扰了!excuse me.

12. 快点!come on!

13. 飞机模型 model plane

14. 让我们走吧!let’s go!

15. 迟到:be late

我们迟到了.we’re late.

我迟到了.i’m late.

他迟到了.he’s late.

16. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games

打排球 play volleyball

打篮球 play basketball

打网球 play tennis

打棒球 play baseball

打乒乓球 play ping-pong

踢足球 play soccer

17. 看电视 watch tv

18. 考虑 think about…

让我们考虑一下食物吧.let’s think about the food.

19. 向某人询问某事 ask sb(某人)about sth(某事)


i ask cindy about her eating habits.

20. 晚饭后 after dinner

课后 after class 放学后 after school


cindy doesn’t eat ice-cream after dinner.

21. 想干… want to do (to do表示动词用不定式)

cindy不想变胖.cindy doesn’t want to be fat.

我想踢足球.i want to play soccer.

他想吃汉堡.he wants to h**e hamburgers.

22. 让某人干…

let sb.(某人) do … do表示动词用原形)

让我们看电视吧.let’s watch tv.

让他们打排球吧.let them play volleyball.

23. 让我们打棒球吧.let’s play baseball.

(答语:听起来不错/有趣/很难/无聊/令人放松.that sounds good / interesting / difficult / boring / relaxing.)

24. 做运动 play sports

25. 通过电视**它们 watch them on tv

26. 对某人来说容易 be easy for sb(某人)

对某人来说很难 be difficult for sb(某人)

它对我来说容易.it’s easy for me.

足球对我来说很难.soccer is difficult for me.

27. 喜欢运动love sports

喜欢足球 like soccer

28. 多少钱 how much

这些袜子多少钱?how much are these socks?

29. 一双… a pair of…

一双袜子 a pair of socks

一双鞋子 a pair of shoes

30. 看起来+形容词 look…

听起来+形容词 sound…

它看起来很漂亮.it looks nice.

31. 那些黄色的袜子those yellow socks

或 the yellow socks

32 热卖 on sale

33. 以合适的** at very good prices

34. 紫色的裙子 skirts in purple

二。 重要句子。

1. 你要买点什么?can i help you?

是的.yes, please.

2. 我买下了.i’ll take it. i’ll take them.

3. 我买两双.i’ll take two pairs.

4. 给您.here you are.

5. 我知道了.i see.

6. 我需要为上学买一件毛衣.

i need a sweater for school.

7. 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧.

come and buy your clothes at our great sale!

8. 对男孩来说,我们有黑色的裤子,仅卖22美元.for boys, we h**e black trousers for only $22.

9. 我和同班同学打乒乓球

i play ping-pong with my classmates.


we play soccer with our friends.

10. 我喜欢踢足球。 i like playing soccer.

喜欢干… like doing..(doing表示动词用ing形式)

11. 我的确喜欢沙拉。 i really like salad.

12. 你早饭喜欢吃什么?

what do you like for breakfast?


what do you like for lunch?


what does your father like for dinner?

13. 他晚饭喜欢吃鸡肉。

he likes chicken for dinner.

14. 你喜欢什么水果? what fruit do you like?

15. 白色的飞机模型是她的。

the white model plane is hers.

16. 我认为它在你爷爷奶奶的房间。

i think it’s in your grandparents’ room.

17. 它在他们的床上。 it’s on their bed.

18. frank没有足球,但他的哥哥有。

frank doesn’t h**e a soccer ball, but his brother does.


初一英语资料。一 单词。1.名词单复数变化第一部分 规则变化。一般情况 包括以e结尾的名词 加 s cups,cats,cakes,roofs,flags,keys,faces 以s,x,ch,sh结尾加 es classes,boxes,watches,brushes 以辅音 y结尾变y为i,加e...


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