
发布 2021-05-20 05:41:28 阅读 1610




good morning/afternoon! can i help you? (what can i do for you?)


would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist?


this is slit-lamp. it will send strong light on your eyes. keep your eyes open, please.

look straight, look up, look down, and blink your eyes. you h**e chronic conjunctivitis (keratitis, trichiasis,[ concretion, follicle, papilla, cornea foreign body). you should see an eye doctor.


do you h**e any of these problems with your eyes: flashes of light, floaters, halos around lights, double vision, frequent or severe headaches, eye pain, redness, tearing, or a gritty feeling in your eyes?


when did this happen? how long has it lasted?


h**e you ever had any medical examinations of your eyes? any surgeries, injuries, or serious infections of your eyes?


h**e you ever used any medication for your eyes? what medication h**e you used? how long h**e you been taking the medication, what is it for, and what is the dosage?


your eyes h**e inflammation now. contact lens is not good for you. you had better see an eye doctor.

when your inflammation heals, you may use contact lens.


you should not take glasses immediately after your eye surgery, because the eye is in convalescence [ and the diopter isn’t stable. usually you may h**e optometry and dispense spectacles after three months.


this way please! h**e a seat, please. let me test your vision first by computer optometry equipment.


please put your chin on the chinrest and your forehead against the board. please look at the red house on the screen.


this is the eye pressure meter. please be seated like before. a puff of air will blow on your eyes.

it won’t hurt you. open your eyes. your eye pressure is normal (high).


next i will test your eyesight. please read out the open direction of the letter on the eye chart.


h**e you worn eyeglasses before? i would like to check the power of your own glasses.


do you wear contact lenses? which brand did you wear?


how long h**e you been wearing glasses? are they for distance, near, or both?


can you see clearly and comfortably with glasses?


now please wear the trial eyeglasses for further optometry test. please look at the eye chart. right eye first, then the left one.


please open your eyes widely, do not narrow your eyes.

11. 您觉得加上这个镜片后是变清晰了还是模糊了还是一样?这两个镜片哪个更清晰还是一样?

do you see more clearly or blurred after i add this lens? or is it the same? which lens makes you see more clearly or are they the same?

12. 现在请注视红色和绿色里面的数字“8”是否一样清晰?哪个“8”颜色更黑?更清晰?

now look at the figure “eight” in the red background and the green background. are the two figures equally clear? which figure is darker?

which one is clearer?


look forward through the pinhole on the lens. do the letters become more clearly or blurred?


look at the first line of the letters, cover one eye first, then the other. which eye sees more clearly or are they almost the same?


please put on the trial eyeglasses and walk outside for about ten minutes. you may feel a little dizzy at first, but it is normal. usually it will take your eyes several minutes to adapt to the new lenses.


please read the news***** for ten minutes and keep it at your habitual reading distance.


you h**e myopia (hyperopia, astigmatism). the power of your right eye is minus one diopter and two quarters cylinder, and the left eye is minus (plus) one point fifty diopter.


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