
发布 2021-05-19 21:30:28 阅读 2118


注:it 还有一些特别的用法。

1)用作形式主语,常用于 “it’s +adj. +to do sth.”句型中。

2) 用在句型: “it seems that …”中。

3) 用在句型: “it’s one’s turn to do sth”中。

4) 用在句型: “it’s time to do sth / for sth”中。

5) 用在句型: “it’s +adj. +that 从句”中。

6) 用作形式宾语, 用来代替动词不定式。 make/ think /feel/find + it + adj. (名词)+ to do sth.





1.近指: this these 远指: that those

2.用法:1)that those 常用来代替前面出现的人或物,以避免重复。 that代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词。 those 代替复数名词。

the weather in guangdong is hotter than __in qinghai .

the books in that shop are cheaper than __in this shop.

a. this b. that c. one d. those

2)this ,that 可代替句子或句子的一个部分,that代替前面提到的句子而this代替下面提到的句子。

he had a bad cold, that is why he didn’t come.

3)在**用语中,this 代替自己,而that 代替对方。

this is tom speaking. who is that?


与it 的区别。

one 代替同类事物中的一种。 而it代替上文**现的某事物。

this book is a good one. may i borrow it?

与any 的区别。

一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于否定,疑问句,条件句中。但在表建议的疑问句中,仍用some 代any. 常用于could / would / may 开头或what about /how about ….


may i h**e some water?

he asked me for some *****, but i didn’t h**e any.


many+可数名词的复数 much+不可数名词都相当于 a lot of +复数名词/不可数名词。

few /few /a little /little 的区别。

the story is easy to read. there are __new words in it .

hurry up! there is __time left.

one 与none 的区别。

no one 表示没有人, 不能与of 连用。 而none of +复数名词/ 代词,作主语时,谓语常用单数。.

the boys were all tired, but __of them stopped to h**e a rest.

/neither /either /all / none / any 的区别。

there are many trees on __side of the river. a. both b. any c. either d. all

注: 1). both 的否定词是neither , all的否定词是none.

2).both of 作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 neither of作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

neither of the answers __be) right . both of my parents __be) workers.


a) both …and …连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数。 同义词组:not only …but also … 反义词组: neither … nor …

not only you but also she likes watching tv. =you __she like watching tv.= you like watching tvshe .

b) either …or … 或者……或者…… neither…nor… 既不……也不…… 连接两个主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则。

neither you nor he __be ) right .

one of lily and lucy is going to the parklily __lucy __going to the park.

c) either 也可用于否定句中的 “也”

d) neither 也可表示 “ 也不” 句型: neither … sb. 某人也不怎么样。

if you don’t go therei. (我也不去)

/the other /others /the others 的区别。

注: 1) one …the other … 表示两者之间的一个……另一个……

2) some… others… 表示一些…… 一些……

3) another 表示三者以上的不确定数目中的另一个。 只能修饰可数名词的单数。

但 another +数字+ 复数名词= 数字+ more +复数名词表示 “ 另外几个……”

i h**e two brothers, one is a teacheris a worker.

some are cleaning the classroom, _are sweeping the window.

there are 20 teachers in our school. eight of them are men teachers ,and __are women teachers

10.复合不定代词。,anything ,anyone, anybody 也可用于肯定句中,表示 “任何……/任何物/任何人”

everything __begin ) to grow in spring

is there一些有趣的事)in today’s news***** ?

i want somethingeat ).

英语代词。一、 人称代词。

1. (南京市) mrs liu teaches __english. we like __class very much.

a. me; his b. me; her c. us; this d. us; her

2. (上海) miss brown will teach __english next term.

a. us b. we c. ourd. ours

3. (济南) it's too hot today. please give___a bottle of orange.

a. mineb. hec. herd. our

4.(广州) an old friend of my sister's always helps my brother and___with __english.

a. i; ourb. me; ourselves c. i; my d. me; our

二、 物主代词。

1. (滨州) -the pet cat in your hand is very nice . is it __

yes, but i’ll give it to my friend lucy as __birthday present.


文昌中学杨志明。中考英语总复习是初三后期教学的重头戏,是让学生的认知水平和思维能力上升到一个新高度的攻坚战役。如何最大限度地调动起学生配合老师的教学是复习成败的关键。学生的配合,更源于一种对教师教学方式方法及学习效果的认可,让学生学有所悟而迷途知返 学有所获而心生快乐是维持长久学习兴趣的秘诀。教师在...


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