
发布 2021-05-19 15:34:28 阅读 4775


7b unit three finding your way(1)

课文讲解】1. finding your way. 找到你的路。

本句为一个标题,当动词作主语或标题时,通常以动名词形式或者是不定式形式出现。本句可以改为:to find your way.

ask the way 问路ask sb. the way 向某人问路。

this way, please. 请这边走on the way to somewhere 在去某处的路上。

in this / that way 用这种/那种方法 in one’s way 挡了某人的路。

all the way 一路上another way of doing sth. 做某事的另一种方法

by the way 顺便说一下,顺便提一下 in a way从某种观点来看

an easy way 一条捷径 know the way 认识路。

in this unit, we’ll learn how to ask the way.


i am a new comer, you’d better ask the boy over there.


on my way home, i often see him sitting there and doing nothing.


we can solve the problem in this way. 我们可以用这种方法解决这个问题。

excuse me. you are in my way. 对不起。你挡了我的路了。

he slept all the way, so he missed something beautiful.


bike is another way of saying bicycle. bike是说bicycle的另一种方法。

by the way, do you think it’s possible for him to do it?


in a way you are right. 从某种意义上来说你是对的。

i know an easy way to work out the maths problem.


to my surprise, none of us knows the way. 令我吃惊的是,我们中没有人认识路。

2. don’t be afraid. 别害怕。

be afraid of sth. 害怕某物be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事(本身)

be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事(后果be afraid that 害怕(从句)

most people are afraid of tigers. 大部分人害怕老虎。

she’s afraid of staying at home alone in the evening. 她害怕晚上独自呆在家。

fred is afraid to go to the teachers’ office. fred害怕去老师的办公室。

i’m afraid that i can’t find the way to the museum by myself.


3. i think we’ll h**e to go up again. 我想我们得再上去了。

say it again. =repeat it. =i beg your pardon. 请再说一次。

4. they want some ideas about where to go and what to see.


want some ideas about sth. 想要知道些关于某事的情况。

5. the class 1, grade 7 students are helping them plan their sightseeing tour.


巩固练习。一。 用下列词组填空:

no longer, any more, as soon as, instead of, the same as, again and again, in a hurry, just now, later on, up and down

1. i’ll give this message to mr. smith __he comes.

2. i don’t think the coat is __mine. perhaps it’s d**id’s.

3. mr. wang had something important to do, so he left __

4. miss gao must be in the teachers’ office. i saw her __

5. sue said she didn’t like meat __

6. look! the boats are going __the river.

7. jim says he will __quarrel with jack.

8. miss gao is ill today. i’ll give this lesson __her.

9. please don’t ask the same question __

10. i’ll keep it secret now. but i’ll tell you __

7b unit three finding your way(2)

二。 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1. we are going to h**e a party. can you __come) and __join) us?

2. we must stop the patients from __smoke). it’s bad for their health.

3. i am too tired __work) on. i want __h**e) a good rest.

4. i am very happy __see) you again. let’s __go) to a restaurant and __h**e) dinner together.

5. why not __stay) with us for another day or two? we h**e a lot __talk) about.

6. miss gao is coming. please stop __talk).

7. what are you going to do when you finish __read) the news*****?

8. the teacher made us __do) a lot of homework yesterday.

9. it’s not right __quarrel) with others. we should be friendly to each other.

10. what about __go) to the cinema? it’s better __stay) at home. it’s raining he**ily.

11. when __we __hold) a farewell party for the exchange students? the day after tomorrow.

12. susan __go) to the library, but before that she __h**e to) help me finish the work, because i must __give) it to the customer tonight.

13. what __you often __do) when you __be) a schoolboy?

14. what an interesting book she __read) now!

15. you’d better __lend) him the money. so he can __buy) everything he __need).

16. my grandpa __buy) the pocket watch 40 years ago, and it still __work).

17. i __want not) do anything before __write) back to him.

18. i __feel) very lonely, for i __h**e) nobody to talk to then.

19. they __eat) everything they __like) in sunshine town during their last trip.


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