
发布 2021-05-19 15:21:28 阅读 8351



1.下列单词中哪个不含字母 c. this are you,dale? very well,thank you.

a. how are you fine color is it?

an orange orange a quilt this?it’s___

b. a pencil pencil your name brown,it is i’m ,i,m no6his___it’s 321-5498



7.--your backpack is very nice.

you is right isn’t

8.--what are those?--strawberries.

___your family __sisters?--no,they aren’t.

h**e __c./ parents.

is bthese is are pencil and an eraser __in the pencil c. am

need to take an eraser __alarm clock.

chair chair are ,the chair

are ,a __this key to your is ay take17under the desk?--no,they aren’t.

are those d. are those18.__his sister h**e a pen friend? they __ping-pong?

the you play___tennis? c./

he __sports.

play play play plays22.__she___a soccer ball?

can i do for you?

---i’d like two __

of apple of apples of apple of has __egg and vegetables for b an d./ that __

an orange ca salard on the tablesome bread on it.

a .there is are are d. they areii.句型转换。

isan orangein english.(对划线部分提问)

___this in english?

is anid card.(对划线部分提问)

this?is a notebook.(改为一般疑问句)

a notebook?

is lucy’s dictionary.(改为否定句)

lucy’s dictionary.

that her nice watch?(改为肯定的陈述句)

her nice my book?(改为复数句子)

where __my __

are on the sofa.(改为单数句子)

on the sofa.

are her pencil cases.(改为单数句子)

her pencil __

isan eraser. (对划线部分提问)

it?my student. (对划线部分提问)

__is __student?

keys areon the sofa.(对划线部分提问)

your keys?

likes pears. (改为一般疑问句)

___tony __pears?

father likesstrawberries. (对划线部分提问your father___

iii.用所给词的适当形式填空1.__is a girl.

__is gina.(she) —telephone number?(he) name betty?

(you) name __nice.(be)

5.__your card number three?(be)6.__answer is right.(i) is __sister.(i)

___gina and jenny.(be) are his __pencil) these __baseball?(she)

is paul green.__is a student.(his)13.

__you___a tennis racket?(h**e)14. i don’t like __chick)

doesn’t like __strawberry) _well.(eat)


1.名字___2.在汤姆的铅笔盒里———3.每天———根据句意和首字母提示填写单词完成句子 mike a___h**e a set of k___are my p___

you b___the hat to me when you you like m___or english at school? t___your things to your h**e many sports c___


please___d**id __453-8612.2.--what are these是书)these __my __祖父母)2.


___mother is __teacher.3.你能你的电子游戏带到学校吗?

can you __your computer game __school?4.他的帽子在梳妆台上。

histhe dresser.5.他的手表在抽屉里。

histhe drawer.


we h**e———每天晚上看电视。annevery evening.9.“咱们打排球吧”“不,太无聊了我午饭喜欢汉堡包和沙拉。

i like __and___11.她早饭喜欢鸡蛋和香蕉。

she __eggs and bananas.


20xx年初一英语易错点语法大全。一 动词类。4.你妹妹通常什么时候去上学?误 what time does your sister usually goes to school?正 what time does your sister usually go to school?析 借助助动词do ...


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