
发布 2021-05-19 12:56:28 阅读 9626


1.let’s stopi feel tired.

a.resting b.breaking c.to h**e a rest d.to work

2.i’m afraid tomhis work yet because the light is still on in his office.

a.won’t finish b.hasn’t finished c.doesn’t finish d.didn’t finish

3.it’s difficultthem to finish the work in a month.


4the help of the internet,people can get information from the world.

a.atb.under c.tod.with

5.news canevery corner in a short time today.

a.arrive b.getc.god.reach

6.i want to buy this sweater because itsoft.

a.feelsb.sounds c.tastes d.looks

7.would you give me some bread? i’mhungry.

a.fewb.a few c.a bit d.a bit of

8.our school is between a supermarketa hotel.

a.or b.andc.tod.with

9.—where is the hospital

a.go ahead b.it’s in the end of the library.

c.it’s in the left of the school d.it’s 500 metres along on your right

10.which animal can walk a long way without

a.drink b.drinking c.drinks d.to drink

11.we know nothing about the film becauseof us h**e seen it.

a.none b.allc.both d.some

12.these little dogs are lovely

a.don’t they b.are they c.aren’t they d.do they

13.i don’t know which room he

a.liveb.livesc.live in d.lives in

14.pleasei’ll come with you.

a.give up b.hang on c.put up d.hand in

15.the bag isbooks and it is too he**y for the boy to carry.

a.filledb.fullc.full of d.fill with


1.project hopebuild)schools all over china since 1989.

2.it took me ten minuteswalk)to the library from my home.

3.-there was no one when i came to your house.

oh,iwait)for a friend at the station.

4.i h**e somethingtell)you.

5.tomdo)his homework when i went to say goodbye to him.

6.-h**e you seen the film?-yes,isee)it last sunday.

7.if you work harder,youdo) it better.

8. not only d**id but also lilyh**e) seen the film .

9. the girl looks __tall) than her mother.

10. my familywatch)tv at 9 yesterday evening.



when is theto __london?


in texas and the southeast,there are stormsin summer and fall.

3.你可以打开它!快点呀!you can open it! get it


i enjoy sportsespecially tennis.


thanks for your last passage,it was greatyou.


it’s bad to think about all those animals

7你知道老虎以肉为食吗? tigersmeat, do you know?

8 他们还没有查出是谁打破窗户的。

they h**en’twho broke the window yet.

9 现在农民可耕种的土地越来越少。

these days farmers h**eto farm on.

10 这大厅不够大,不能容纳200人。

the hall isto hold 200 people.


it’s sadthe dog in danger.


my house isjiaoyu road.


to learn english is reading.

14 车停稳了再下车。don’tthe bus until it stops.


excuse meguangzhou east train station.

16沿着high street然后转右,学校就在你左边了。

high street andthe school is

17. 我们全班同学都为他感到骄傲。

all the students in our classhim.

18 这毛衣摸上去又软又舒服。the sweaterand comfortable.

19 你的语文老师人长的怎么样?

dose your chinese teacher

20 到目前为止,我还没有收到他的来信。so far, i h**en’thim.


the little girllosing her mother’s love.


he went to many countries with his father

23 你们对贝多芬不了解,是吗?

you know nothing about beethoven

24 当他进来时,我正在思考一道数学题。

when he came in, ia maths problem.

25 昨晚我们直到爸爸回来才吃饭。

we __h**e dinner __my fatheryesterday evening.

26 国庆节我们不但去了武汉,也去了杭州。

on national day, we wentto wuhanto hangzhou.


translate vt.翻译。translation n.翻译 译文,译本。correct a.正确的,对的 vt.改正 纠正。matchvi.将。配对,匹配 n.比赛 火柴。number v.给。标号码 n.数字,号码。repeat v.重复。grammar n.语法。pronunciation...

复习题 二上数学

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