
发布 2021-05-18 00:20:28 阅读 1079

课文。scene one: the control room

第一幕: 调控室。

linda: we need an actor, steven. we need a good actor to star in the new show with mary beth.

琳达: 史蒂文, 我们需要个男演员。我们需要一个出色的男演员与玛丽· 贝思一起主演这部新剧。

steven: what about this one? i worked with him last year. he's good.

史蒂文: 这个人怎么样, 去年我曾与他共事, 他挺不错的。

linda: no. his hair's too long.

琳达: 不行, 他的头发太长了。

steven: he can cut his hair.

史蒂文: 他可以把头发剪了。

linda: he's wrong for the part.

琳达: 他不适合这个角色。

steven: linda, we h**e to pick an actor. we're going to start work next week.

史蒂文: 琳达, 我们必须选个男演员, 我们下周得开始工作了。

how about this one? he has a lot of experience.

这个人怎么样? 他的经验很丰富。

linda: mmmm . no.

i'm sorry, steven, but this is an important role. and wefl needs better ratings. we h**e to pick the right actor.

琳达: 嗯不行。很抱歉, 史蒂文, 这个角色很重要。再说wefl 电视台需要提高收视率。我们得挑个合适的演员才行。

steven: i understand. linda, i want you to think about these two again.

i know both of them. they're excellent actors.

史蒂文: 我知道, 琳达, 我希望你再考虑一下这两个人。他们两个我都认识, 他们俩都是非常优秀的演员。

linda: i like the older one.

琳达: 我喜欢年纪大点儿的这个。

steven: this one.

史蒂文: 这个。

linda: yes, because the actor has to be older than mary beth, and he has to be taller than she is.

琳达: 是的, 因为男演员的年龄得比玛丽· 贝思大, 而且个头要比她高。

steven: nope. he's too short. he's an inch shorter.

史蒂文: 不, 他太矮了, 他比玛丽· 贝思矮了一英寸。

linda: then he's not right for the role.

琳达: 这么说他不适合演这个角色。

steven: the last one. i guess he's better.

史蒂文: 最后一个了, 我觉得他好一些。

linda: ummm . i don't know.

琳达: 嗯我说不清楚。

linda: i like him.

琳达: 我喜欢他。

steven: jeff bennett.

史蒂文: 杰夫· 班纳特?

linda: why not? i think he's handsome.

and he's tall. he's taller than mary beth. he has it all.

琳达: 为什么不呢? 我觉得他英俊、高大, 个子比玛丽· 贝思高。我们所要求的各种条件他都具备。

steven: well, he doesn't h**e much experience.

史蒂文: 嗯, 但是, 他没有多少经验。

mike: hi, linda, steven.

迈克: 嗨, 琳文, 史蒂文。

linda: oh, hi, mike. you two are going to be working together.

steven's the director on our new show.

琳达: 噢, 嗨, 迈克, 你们两个要一起工作, 史蒂文是我们新剧的导演。

mike: "murder at midnight"? great, i'm going to be the cameraman on that.


steven: good.

史蒂文: 太好了。

linda: mike, we can't decide. which one do you like better?

琳达: 迈克, 我们不知道应该选哪一个。你喜欢哪个?

mike: for which role?

迈克: 演哪个角色的?

linda: the starring role.

琳达: 主角。

mike: well, this guy looks bigger.

迈克: 嗯, 这个人看起来“ 大” 了点。

linda: bigger? you mean he**ier?

琳达:“ 大” 了点? 你是指他太胖了吧?

mike: yeah. he's too fat.

迈克: 是的, 他太胖了。

linda: then you like this actor better.

琳达: 这么说你比较喜欢这个演员?

mike: right. i know this guy. he's a good actor. i know his work. see those eyes?

迈克: 是的。我认识这个人, 他是个挺不错的演员。我知道他的表现。

it's the eyes that show emotion. his face is perfect for television.

看见他的眼睛了吗? 这是一双能表现情感的眼睛。他的脸形很适合上镜。

steven: well. thanks for the advice.

史蒂文: 嗯。谢谢你的建议。

mike: anytime. see you later.

迈克: 别客气, 再见。

linda: thanks, mike.

琳达: 谢谢, 迈克。

steven: so, we h**e two choices. what do you think?

史蒂文: 那么我们有两个选择, 你的想法是什么?

linda: i'd like to meet jeff bennett. then we can make a decision.

琳达: 我想见见杰夫· 班纳特, 然后再做决定。

steven: jeff is in new york. i'm going to call him right now.

maybe he can come in tomorrow.

史蒂文: 杰夫在纽约。我立即给他打**, 或许他明天能来。

linda: good.

琳达: 好的。

scenes one & two: the studio and the control room

第一幕和第二幕: 演播室和调控室。

steven: hi, jeff. how are you today?

史蒂文: 嗨, 杰夫, 你今天好吗?

eff: oh, uh. .fine. i'm fine.

杰夫: 噢。呃好, 我很好。

linda: he seems nervous.

琳达: 他看起来很紧张。

steven: no need to be nervous , jeff. we're just going to talk for a few minutes.

why don't you take a seat?

史蒂文: 没必要紧张, 杰夫。我们只是谈一会儿, 你何不坐下来呢?

linda: i think he's handsome. the female viewers are going to love him.

琳达: 我觉得他很英俊。女观众会喜欢他的。

steven: i agree. he's good-looking. i'd like to ask you a few questions.

史蒂文: 我同意, 他长得很好。我想问你几个问题。

jeff: oh. sure. i love questions. great.

杰夫: 噢, 没问题。我喜欢被人问问题。好极了。

steven: can you sing, jeff?

史蒂文: 杰夫, 你会唱歌吗?

jeff: can i sing? i didn't know this show had any singing.

杰夫: 我会唱歌吗? 我不知道这部剧还要唱歌。

steven: it doesn't. i just want to know about your experience.

史蒂文: 剧中不要求会唱歌, 我只是想了解你的经历。

jeff: oh, yeah. yes, i can sing.

i took five years of voice lessons . 杰夫: 噢, 是的。

是的, 我会唱歌。我上过5 年的声乐课。

linda: he does h**e a good voice.

琳达: 他确实有副好嗓子。

steven: can you dance?

史蒂文: 你会跳舞吗?


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