
发布 2021-05-15 04:54:28 阅读 1198

abandon v. 抛弃,舍弃,放弃;

ability n. 能力,本领,(pl. )才能(ability to pay /支付能力; one’s abilities/某人的才能);

able adj. 能……的;有能力的;能干的 (be able to do sth. /能做……)

abroad adv. 到国外,在国外到处 (at home and abroad/在国内外);

absent adj. 缺席的;心不在焉的;缺乏的 (be absent from …/不在。/缺席); absent-minded/心不在焉的;

absolute adj. 绝对的;完全的;

absorb v. 吸收(液体);吸取(知识);使全神贯注; 承担(be absorbed in ..专心。)abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的;

academic adj. 学院的,大学的;学会的,[美]文科的,文学的(academic research/学术研究);

accept v. 接受;承认;access n. 进入;通道;使用;接近(easy of access /易于接近 ; h**e [gain, get, obtain] access to/得接近;得会见;得进入;得使用);

accident n. 意外;偶然事故(by accident /偶然;无意中);

accomplish v. 完成;实现;

according to按照;根据。所说;

account n. 报导;(书面或口头)报告;账目;原因 v. 说明(理由等)( give an account of ..对……做出报导;

account for /说明, 占); accurate adj. 准确的;精确的;

accuse v. 控告;指控 (accuse sb. of / 指控某人……犯了罪 );

ache n. 疼痛 v. 疼痛;

achieve v. 完成(功绩等),实现(目标、目的等) (achieve one’s purpose/达到目的; achieve success/ 获得成功;

acquire v. 学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等);

action n. 行动;行为;作用(take action /采取行动);

active adj. 活动的;活跃的;积极的(take an active part in ..积极参加…);

activity n. -ties 活动;行动;行为(social activities /社会活动);

actual adj. 实际的;真实的;目前的;

actually adv. 实际上;真实地;

acute adj. 敏锐的;灵敏的;剧烈的;急性的(疾病);

adapt v. 使适应;使适合;改编(adapt oneself to sth.. 适应……)

add v. 加,增添,增加(to) (add up to/ 总计为,总数达); in addition/加上,又,另外; in addition to/加上,除……外;

adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的;

adjust v. 调整;调节;使适合;使适应( adjust oneself to sth. /使自己适应……)admire v.

赞美;赞赏; 钦佩(admire sb. for sth. /因……而钦佩某人);

admit v. 让……进入,使获得(某种地位或特权),接[容]纳,承认(事实、错误等)(admit sb. into the university/获准入大学);

adopt v. 采用,采纳,选定 (道路、职业等),取(立场等),收养;

in advance adv.预先;

advantage n. 优势,长处,利益,便利 (take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗);

advertisement n. 广告(= ad);

advice n. 劝告,建议,通知( a piece of advice/ 一条意见; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow one’s advice /接受忠告) ;

advise v. 建议,提意见,通知,告知(advise sb. to do sth. /劝某人做某事, advise that../提前通知。。)

apart adv. 分开,离开(tear.. apart/把……拆开apart from/除……外);

apparent adj. 明显的, 外表的;

appeal to sb. /吸引某人;

appear v. 出现,看来,似乎,出版,发表;

appearance n. 出现,外观[表],容貌(judge by appearances/以貌取人);

application n. 应用,申请,实施 (the application of science to industry/在工业上对科学的应用; applications software/应用软件);

apply v. 申请,应用,实施,敷,涂(apply for申请,请求apply oneself to/致力于);

appoint v. 委派,任命,( 常与for连用)指定;

appreciate vt. 赏识,重视;感激;提高(价值),抬高……的**;

approach vt. 接近,动手处理,靠近 n.靠近, 途径,通路;方法 (an approach to the problem/这个问题的解决方法);

appropriate adj. 正确的;适当的( be appropriate for...适合……

approval n. 赞成,赞许,批准(with [without] approval of/经[未经]..的批准); approve v.

批准,批准,(常与of连用)赞成,赞同(approve of...准许……,approve the plans/批准计划);

argue v. 辩论,争论(argue that...辩解说……;argue with sb.

/和……争论; argue for [against] a proposal/辩论赞成[反对]某项建议);

argument n. 争论,论据,论点(argue for/against)支持/反对……)

arise v. 起来,出现,发生,造成 (from/out of);

around: adv. 环绕,在周围,在附近prep. 在……的周围,环绕,大约,左右(around 20 people /大约20人; hang around/在附近徘徊);

arouse v. 叫醒,唤起,激励(arouse sb.’s enthusiasm/激起某人的积极性);

arrange v. 排列,分类,整理(arrange for/安排,准备);

arrival n. 到达,到来(arrival at port/入港; one’s arrival/某人的到来);

arrive v. 到达,来到(in, at)( arrive at...获得(结果);达到(目的) arrive at/reach/come to a decision 达成决议);

art n. 美术,艺术,艺术品 pl. 人文学科(work of art /艺术品);

article n. 文章,**,条款,物品,物件(articles of daily use/日用品);

artificial adj. 人工的,人造的,假的 (artificial rain/人工降雨artificial satellite/人造卫星);

artist n. 艺术家,美术家;

as adv. 同样地,相同地prep. 被看作,被认为是,像……(指处于某种状态、性质、情况、工作等之中); conj.

(用于比较)与……一样,当,由于,因为(as...as...和……一样……such as /诸如; as it were/或者说as yet /迄今,到目前为止as you know /正如你知道的; as if(= as though)/ 好像,好似as long as (=so long as)/只要as for/to/关于;至于); asia n.


aside adv. 在旁边,在一边(aside from/ 除了…….以外);

asleep adj. [作表语] 睡着的(fall asleep/入睡);

aspect n. 模样,面貌,方面one aspect of the problem /问题的一个方面; a house with a southern aspect /朝南的房子);

assemble v. 集合,聚集,装配(机器等) (assembly line/装配线);

assess v. 估定(财产,价值等),评估(人物、工作等)( damages were assessed at 1000 rmb. /损失估计达一千元人民币。);

asset n. [常用复]资产;财产;

assist v. 帮助,支援(assist sb. with a task/帮助某人做某事; assist sb. in doing sth. /帮助某人做某事 );

associate v. 结交,联合,由……联想到……,把……联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来; associate with/和……来往,和……共事; 同……联合);

association n. 联合, 联系, 联盟, 协会, 社团;

assume v. 假定,承担,呈(形式,姿态,位置) (assume responsibility/负责,承担责任assume a new aspect/呈现新的面貌);

astonish v. 使吃惊 (be astonished at sth. /对……感到惊讶, astonish sb. /使……感到惊讶);

astronaut n. 太空人,宇航员;

at prep. [位置,场所,地点,时间]在……时,在……中,在……方面,向,表示以。速度,**等; arrive at...

到达……at my uncle’s/在我叔父家at the foot[top] of the mountain / 在山脚下[顶上] at the end of the street/在街的尽头at the meeting/在会议上at ten o’clock/ 在十点钟at (the age of) forty/在 40 岁的时候at the beginning of the month/ 在月初at christmas/在圣诞节at one’s convenience/在某人方便时at high pressure/在高压下 aim at...对准……throw...at...



抛弃,舍弃,放弃 n.能力,本领,pl.才能 ability to pay 支付能力 one s abilities 某人的才能 3.able adj.能 的 有能力的 能干的 be able to do sth.能做 adv.到国外,在国外到处 at home and abroad 在国内外 ad...


a board of directors 董事会。book n.书,书籍 v.登记,预订。booking office 售票处。book in 预定旅馆房间 boom n.繁荣,隆隆声v.发隆隆声,迅速增长 boost v.往上推 增加 提高 n.上推 增加 提高 border n.边界,国界 边,...


第七篇。今天,我们听到越来越多的有关充足睡眠重要性的讨论,即每日保证8小时的睡 睡眠能有助于我们修复损伤并为我们的身体和大脑提供能量。医学专家认为,睡眠比起饮食和锻炼来说,对于我们的健康更重要!几乎可以肯定,第三个我们的生活,我们花睡着了有很大的影响我们清醒的三分之二。睡眠影响着我们的情绪 记忆 注...