2019职称英语考试卫生类词汇 10

发布 2021-05-21 02:42:28 阅读 5872

artificial adj.人工的,人造的,假的(artificial rain/人工降雨artificial satellite/人造卫星); artist n.艺术家,美术家; as adv.

同样地,相同地prep.被看作,被认为是,像……(指处于某种状态、性质、情况、工作等之中); conj. (用于比较)与……一样,当,因为,因为(as...

as...和……一样……such as /诸如; asit were/或者说as yet /迄今,到当前为止。

as you know /正如你知道的; as if(= as though)/好像,好似as long as (=so long as)/只要as for/to/关于;至于); asia n.亚洲; aside adv.在旁边,在一边(aside from/除了…….

以外);asleep adj. [作表语]睡着的(fall asleep/入睡); aspect n.模样,面貌,方面one aspect of the problem /问题的一个方面; a housewith a southern aspect /朝南的房子); assemble v.

集合,聚集,装配(机器等) (assembly line/装配线);

assess v.估定(财产,价值等),评估(人物、工作等)( damageswere assessed at 1000 rmb. /损失估计达一千元人民币。

);assetn. [常用复]资产;财产; assist v.协助,支援(assist sb.

with atask/协助某人做某事; assist sb. in doing sth. /协助某人做某事); associate v.

结交,联合,由……联想到……,把……联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来;associate with/和……来往,和……共事;同……联合);

association n.联合,联系,联盟,协会,社团; assume v.假定,承担,呈(形式,姿态,位置) (assume responsibility/负责,承担责任assume a new aspect/表现新的面貌); astonish v.

使吃惊(be astonished at sth. /对……感到惊讶, astonish sb. /使……感到惊讶); astronaut n.

太空人,宇航员; at prep. [位置,场所,地点,时间]在……时,在……中,在……方面,向,表示以。速度,**等;

arrive at...到达……at my uncle’s/在我叔父家at thefoot[top] of the mountain /在山脚下[顶上] at the end of thestreet/在街的尽头at the meeting/在会议上at ten o’clock/ 在十点钟at (the age of) forty/在40岁的时候at the beginningof the month/在月初at christmas/在圣诞节at one’s

convenience/在某人方便时at high pressure/在高压下aim at...对准……throw...at...朝……扔……

2019职称英语考试卫生类词汇 7

distribute vt.分发,分配,v.分发 distribute sth.to 把某物分配,发 给 disturb vt.弄乱,打乱,打扰,扰乱v.扰乱 divide v.分,划分,分开 divide into 分成 divorce n.离婚,脱离vt.使离婚,与 脱离 be divorced...

2019职称英语考试卫生类词汇 8

during prep.在 的期间,在 的时候 dynamic adj.动力的,动力学的,动态的 each adj.各自的,每个的,每一 pron.各,各自,每个 adv.每个 eager adj.热心于的,渴望着的 be eager to do 急欲,渴望做 be eager for 渴望,渴求 ...


make a choice 做选择 choose v.选择,选定。choose sth.from among sth.从 中挑选 christmas n.圣诞节 christmas day 圣诞节节期。christmas eve 圣诞节前夕,平安夜 chronic adj.慢性的。a chronic...