英语时态训练 1

发布 2021-05-15 02:24:28 阅读 1503

1. she has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book50 million.

a. h**e reachedb. has reached

c. are reachingd. had reached

a. 因为that is意为“换句话说,即 (=in other words, which means)”,而前句中的谓语has set是现在完成时,后一句的谓语动词也应用现在完成时,排除c和d;又因主语the sales是复数,选出正确答案a。

2. he kept looking at her, wondering whether heher somewhere.

a. sawb. has seen

c. seesd. had seen

d. 因为由语境可知,see应当发生在kept looking之前,即过去的过去,所以用过去完成时,只有d正确。

3. the crazy fanspatiently for two hours and they would wait till the movie star arrived.

a. were waitingb. had been waiting

c. had waitedd. would wait

b. 因为would wait是过去将来时,可见此事发生在过去,再结合for two hours可知,wait这个动作是从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻,并且还在等,一直要等到那位影星到来,所以用过去完成进行时:had been doing,因此选b。

4. sheher hairstyle in her hometown before she came to chongqing for a better job.

a. would changeb. has changed

c. changedd. was changing

c. 由came可知,她已来重庆了,而改变发型是在来重庆之前,即过去的过去,按理要用过去完成时,但before已经表明紧接着发生的先后两个动作,所以也可用一般过去时,所以选c。

5. the first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their powerincreased enormously ever since.

a. isb. was

c. has beend. had been

c. 句中的since为副词,表示“从过去某时起一直到现在”,它通常要与现在完成时连用。

6. —you h**en’t said a word about my new coat, brenda. do you like it?

—i’m sorry ianything about it sooner. i certainly think it’s pretty on you.

a. wasn’t sayingb. don’t say

c. won’t sayd. didn’t say

d。由句中的sooner(意为“早点儿”)可知用一般过去时。句意为“对不起,我没有早点儿说。我确实认为你穿很好看” 。

7. all morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness

a. has grownb. is growing

c. grewd. had grown

c。her nervousness(紧张)伴随waited(等)的过程而产生,因此grow与waited同时发生,时态一致,都用一般过去时。

8. why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? it willfresh for several days.

a. be stayedb. stay

c. be stayingd. h**e stayed



9. how can you possibly miss the news? iton tv all day long.

a. has beenb. had been

c. wasd. will be

a。根据句中all day long来判断,此句是强调**新闻对现在的影响,故用现在完成时。意为“你怎么可能没看到新闻?整天都在**”。

10. -sorry to h**e interrupted you. please go on.

-where was i?

-youyou didn’t like your father’s job.

a. had saidb. said

c. were sayingd. had been saying



11. i arrived late; ithe road to be so icy.

a. wouldn’t expectb. h**en’t expected

c. hadn’t expectedd. wasn’t expecting

c。由i arrived late可知是过去的情况。i haddn’t expected表示过去没有料到。句意为“我迟到了。我没料到路面结冰”。

12. iwhile reading the english textbook. luckily, my roommate woke me up in time!

a. had fallen asleepb. h**e fallen asleep

c. fell asleepd. fall asleep

c。while 从句用过去进行时,主句用过去时,表示在某个动作的持续过程中,发生过某事。句意为“我在读英语课本时睡着了。幸亏我的室友及时叫醒了我”。

13. although he has lived with us for years, he __us much impression.

a. hadn’t leftb. didn’t le**e

c. doesn’t le**ed. hasn’t left


14. iping-pong quite well, but i h**en’t had time to play since the new year.

a. will playb. h**e played

c. playedd. play


15. i wonder why jennyus recently. we should h**e heard from her by now.

a. hasn’t writtenb. doesn’t write

c. won’t writed. hadn’t written

a。由句中的recently和by now两个提示可知此句用现在完成时。

英语时态训练 1 含答案

10.c。用过去进行时态表示过去某一特定时刻正在进行的动作。此处是指 我 的话在被打断前正在谈论的情况。句意为 对不起打断你的话,请继续 我说哪儿了?你在说你不喜欢你父亲的工作 11.c。由i arrived late可知是过去的情况。i haddn t expected表示过去没有料到。句意为 我...


课程教案。时态专题。模块一 现在进行时。warm up 请观察下列句子,并寻找其中的规律 1.i m drawing pictures.2.i m reading a book in the library.3.she is jumping.4.it s eating bananas.5.they ...


课程教案。时态专题。模块一 现在进行时。warm up 请观察下列句子,并寻找其中的规律 1.i m drawing pictures.2.i m reading a book in the library.3.she is jumping.4.it s eating bananas.5.they ...