
发布 2021-05-15 02:21:28 阅读 7655


reflect 回想;反射(re+flect弯曲→反弯曲→反射) retreat 后退,撤退(re+treat拉→拉回来→撤退) retract 缩回;收回(re+tract拉→拉回,缩回) resist 反抗,抵抗(re+sist站→反着站→反抗)


reappear再出现(re+appear出现) rearrange重新安排(re+arrange安排)

reassure消除某人疑虑(re+assure放心) reclaim取回,**(re+claim喊→喊回来→取回,引申为开垦荒地) recommend赞扬;推荐(re+commend赞扬→一再赞扬)

句型:(1)and it’s bigger, although it’s more expensive.

2)can you try to get them to bring down the price?

3)you might not be able to...until three days...

4)it’s much easier to make plans for your trips.

5)i prefer horse-riding to shooting.

6)after that more and more countries joined in the game.

7)they do their best to win medals.

8)the place i used to go to is 7 kilometres away.

9)the same as...the same...as...


短语归纳。bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长;

he felt terribly ill and brought __what he ate.

surely the new railway will bring __many changesin this less developed area.

next time you come to china, be sure to bring __your friends.

all the library books must be brought___before june20.

selling news*****s brings __enough money for myschooling.

enough water can bring the rice

key: ①up ②about ③along ④back ⑤in ⑥on

2.动词 + up

go up(物价等)**,上升;build(up)one’s health使身体强壮;turn up 出席,到场,开大音量;divide up 分配;分给;set up 建立;come up走近,发芽;pick up 拾起,用车接,收听(节目);send up发射;get up 起床;grow up 长大;look up仰望,查阅;eat up 吃光;drink up喝光;use up用光;stay/sit up熬夜;give up放弃;take up占空间,从事,开始干;keep up保持,继续;put up举起,建起;hang up挂起来;hold up举起;join up 连接起来;rise up奋起反抗;move up向前移动;lift up扶起;do up包,捆;hurry up赶快;call up 打**;break up拆散,破裂;make up组成,化妆,编造;bring up抚养大;dress up打扮;add up加起来;warm up变暖,热身。

物价在天天**。prices areday after day.

衣服常常挂在火炉附近。the clothes are oftennear a fire.

妈妈的把孩子扶起来,领走了。the mother___the baby___and took him away.

他到乡下呆了一段时间,身体好了起来。he went and stayed in the countryside for a period of time and

key: ①going, up②hung, up③lifted, up④built, up, his, health

1)用作动词①表示“改换,更改”change one’s clothes换衣服;

change places with me, please.请和我换一下座位。

表示“换车”passengers to london will change at this station into another train.到伦敦的游客在此站换车。

表示“兑换钱”she changed her money before going abroad.


表示“改变”i h**e made up my mind and nothing will change it.


用于change into,表示“变成”ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.


用于chang...into,表示“ 把……变成”we can change water into steam by heat.我们可以通过加热把水变成蒸气。

用于change...for,表示“把……换成(替代)”change it fora bigger one


用于change from...to, 表示“由……变成”change from ice to water由冰变成水。

2)用作名词:①用于make a change,表示“修改,改变”,a 可换成any,some,no.

如:we h**e made some changes in our plan for tr**el.我们把旅行计划作了一些修改。

the poem seems perfect. we won’t make any change


与take place连用,表示“发生变化”great changes h**e taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了很大的变化。

表示“零钱”,不可数do you h**e any change on you?你身上有零钱吗?


i seldom carry changes with me. you’ve to change your note in a bank.

your coat is too old. change it into a new one ,please.

in autumn the le**es change green to brown.

some change are to be made in the report.

key: ①改changes为change②改into为for③在change后加from④改change为changes

疑问词 +不定式。

what ,how, when,where,whether,which等疑问词 + 不定式构成的短语相当于名词从句,多用在ask,decide,know, tell, explain, find out, consider, wonder后作宾语,可以改换成相应意义的宾语从句对比:

please show us how to use it./please show us how we will use it.


we don’t know whether to accept his invitation./we don’t know whether we should accept his invitation.我们不知道是否应该接受他的邀请。

there’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that i can’t make up my mind___to buy.

a what

last summer i took a course on __

to make dresses b.how dresses be made

to be made dresses dresses to be made key:①b ②a



which do you prefer, rice or bread? i would prefer rice.



jake preferred to h**e some chinese food.杰克更喜欢吃中餐。


i prefer doing some writing in my spare time.我更喜欢业余时间写点什么。


i should prefer you not to stay there too long.我希望你不要在那里呆太久。


we prefer that we (should)h**e the discussion after the lecture.


医学英语词根词缀。基础词根。汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词。前 before pro preprognosis 预后 prefrontal前额 prostate前列腺 precardiac心前的 prospective预期的 preoperation未来的。上 above epi hyper super ...


作者 王鲁花。中国校外教育 基教版 2009年第01期。摘要 学习英语,词汇量的大小可以说是整个英语学习的基础,没有大的词汇量就不可能有高水平的英语能力。英语词汇量虽大,但构词方法却有章可循。而词缀在词汇构成中所起的作用是举足轻重的。一旦掌握了它的构词规律,也就找到了掌握词汇量的一条捷径。本文从词缀...


英语常用词根词缀。一 词根。1 agri field 农田 田地 n.agriculture 农业 a.agricultural 农业的。补充 china is a developing country,which is oriented in agriculture.2.audi hear 听 a...