
发布 2021-05-14 17:57:28 阅读 9966

8b chapter 3 备课。



1, lifeless adj. 没有生命的n:life生命,-less一般加在名词之后,表示“没有”,表示一般意义上的否定,是一个否定词缀,如careless,useless

2, absorb v. 吸收,过去式和过去分词都ed, ab前缀的词语还有:above,abroad,absent,about, ab前缀表示相反,变坏,离去

3, environment n. 环境,adj: environmental, adv: environmentally 有关环境方面。

4, atmosphere n. 大气层复数加s,atmos是一个名词表示大气,sphere是球体,范围的意思。

5, act v. 充当,表演,行动,过去式和过去分词都是acted. action:

n,行动,功能,诉讼,actable:adj能实行的,能演出的 act本身是一个词缀,actor,actress.

6, warmth n. 温暖,热量 warm: adj温暖的

7, cause v. 导致,n原因,过去式和过去分词都是caused, 一般是可数名词表复数加s, causable: adj, 可致使发生的

8, create v. 产生过去式,过去分词和形容词都是created, creation:n 创造物,去掉e是一种药物的名称“穿心莲”

9, reach v. 到达,过去式和过去分词都是reached, reachable:adj 可达到的。

10, prefer v. 偏爱过去式和过去分词都是preferred, preferable: adj更好的 preference:n偏爱物

11, choice n. 选择,adj:上等的 choose: v选择(chose,chosen),挑选,choicely: adv精选的。

12, solve v. 解决形容词,过去式和过去分词都是solved, solution: n,解决,溶解 solver: n解决者。

13, destroy v 破坏,过去式和过去分词都是destroyed ,destruct: adj,vi破坏 destruction:n破坏。



1, greenhouse effect 温室效应 2, a green consumer 绿色消费者。

3, damage the environment 破坏环境 4, be in danger 处于危险之中。

5, environmental problems 环境问题 6, act like/as 充当,扮演。

7, let sb in让。。。进入 8, keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth 阻止。。。做某事。

9, in the form of =in the style/shape of 10, keep in 保留。

11, cause sth/sb to do 导致。。。发生 12, take in=absorb 吸收,引进。

13, throw away 扔掉14, as many/much as 多达。。。

15, in order to do=so as to 为了16, ask sb for sth 向某人求助。

17, lead to sth=cause 导致18, be harmful to sb/sth=do harm to=be bad for 对。。。有害。

19, the same as 跟。。。一样20, be different from=be not the same as 与。。不同。

21, one another 彼此22, take action to do sth 采取行动做某事。

23, deal with=do with 处理24, put out fires 灭火。

25, solve problems 解决问题26,cause damage to sth对。。。带来坏处。

27,mountains of=a mountain of=a number of=a lot of


.语法:1, why 引导的疑问句及其回答。

①why引导的疑问句一般要求用because 引导的句子来回答。

②why didn't you + do ..常用来表示批评和抱怨。

③ why+不带to的不定式的用法。

2, (not) as...as和the same as 的用法。

3,like(好像), the same as 和different from 的用法。














1, the patient is now out ofdangerous)

isdangerous)to get off the bus when it doesn’t stop.

2, what will be the bad effects ofcut) down trees?

3, there are manyenvironment) problems in the world nowadays.

4, mars is alife) planet.

5, look, the sun is shining. can you feel thewarm ) of the sun?

6study) abroad is very difficult in the first few months.

7, building a new factory there would beenvironment) disastrous(灾难的).

8, he made acare) mistake.

9, what caused himgive) up his job?

10, do you know thelong) of the bridge.

is a kind ofharm) gas.

13,i like films (well) than tv.

the desk is verydirt)

is areally)story.

of the rainforests cause flooding.

bad habit creates massivemountain) of rubbish.

damage to the ozone iscause) by chemicals.

gases are produced byburn) fuels.

20. poverty isprefer) to ill-health.

s a nicechoose).

problem by a goodsolve).


)1. this film is not so interestingthat one.

a. asb. thanc. ford. to

)2. -is tom at school today? -no, he’s at homehe has a bad cold.


1,达芬奇生在乡下。2,从小他就显示出高智商和艺术才能。3,随着他长大,他学会做很多不同的事。4,他的笔记本人里就有有过飞行器的有趣草图。5,达芬奇是意大利画家 发明家 家 工程师和科学家。6,恐龙生活在地球上早于人类6千万年。7,有些恐龙象鸡一样小,其他的比十头大象还大。8,然后突然之间,它们就灭...


牛津英语模块二。unit21.冒险,冒险经历。n2.安排vt vi3.不同寻常的。adj4.航班。n5.骆驼。n6.沙漠。n抛弃,舍弃。vt7.尘土飞扬的,满是灰尘的。adj8.阴凉处,背阴,树阴。n9.明亮的,鲜艳的adj10.手电筒。n11.总共。adv12.不舒服的。adj不自在的。汹涌的,粗...


1.that s right.that s all right.all right.that s right意为 对的 表示赞同对方的意见 看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如 i think we must help the old man.我想我们应该帮助这位老人。that s right.或...