
发布 2021-03-30 04:56:28 阅读 3837




写一手漂亮的字,是每一个人的心愿,也是现代人步入社会的重要的自我推介和名片。中考、 高考,优美整洁的书法可以享受加分的奖励;如果你能在这封卷子上留下优美的笔迹,你也可以得到5分的奖励。 这份卷子满分150分,你将有120钟的时间来答卷。





) 11metres long 11 hours to beijing. 11 years

)7. thanks

) thanks

) she looks nice. thanks

) dollarsb.15 years old c.5 times a week.

三。句子理解: (5分)

) shopping. go to the store. shop is nice.

) h**e a shirt. has a t- shirt. wants to buy a t-shirt.

) my f**ourite. like ping-pong best. don’t like ping-pong.

) easy to understand. see the ball clearly. is not hard for me to throw the ball.

) i start ! go home. here to me!

四。对话理解: :5分)

) she does. she doesn’t. he does.

) he can. think i can’t. he can’t.

) boy. don’t know.

) he did. he didn’t. don’t know.

) blue team. orange team.


一词汇 (20 分) ;


过去式反义词 (形容词 (序数词 (单数第三人称形式。


keptwrite) for three hours.

likesplay) computer games.

has a sistername) mary.

gladmeet) you.

canfinish) the work on time.

nicereceive) some flowers.

up the radio, the baby is sleeping.

aboutgo) to the movies?

decidedpaint ) his car black.

people enjoyedlearn )about their family tree


1. we may find lots of information on the i英特网).

2. how money did you s花费 ) on the house?

3. may i b借 ) your bike?

4. she has lived in beijing s自从) 2000.

5. look!the girl is d跳舞)over there .


) isn’tthe work.

a old enough to do old to do enough do old doing

)2does jenny come here?

---twice a week.

a how soon b how long c how often d how far

) she feel likehiking?

a to go b going c went d goes

)5 .how do you sende-mail?

b. an c. the d./

) your finishedthat e-mail?

r )7the machine can help uslots of things.

a done c. do d .doing

)8..which one did better ,tomli lei?

b and c of

) see hima minute or two.

a. at b. in c. with

) time flies!three yearsreally a short time.

b. are

) h**e two book s. one is too expensiveis cheap.


) needsa rest.

a .had h**e

) ming told meyesterday.

something strange strange d. anything strange

)14tr**elers come to visit our country every year.

of of millions

) problem was very difficult . she failed

a. to work out it it out work it out working out it

) is jenny

) you pleasea car?


2008 2009学年第一学期期末检测试题。八年级英语。总分 120分,时间 100分 班级姓名得分。第一部分 听力测试 25分 注意 将所有选择题写在答题卡上,否则不计分。i.根据你听到的句子,从下面每小题的三个选项中选择最佳答句。每小题念一遍 共10小题,每小题1分 abcabc 3.like ...


2012年八年级寒假精品小班测试题。姓名测试时间分数 一 英汉互译。1 h e a toothache 2 see a doctor 3 lie down 4 the balance of yin and yang 5 去 的路。6 中医。7 西方国家。8 此时。一 选择最佳建议。1 headach...


完型填空 dad has always been really interested in my 1 since first grade he has asked 2 school is going,and he really cares that i 3 good grades.sometimes...