
发布 2021-03-30 04:58:28 阅读 2580



一、 英汉互译。

1、 h**e a toothache

2、 see a doctor

3、 lie down

4、 the balance of yin and yang

5、 去……的路。

6、 中医。

7、 西方国家。

8、 此时。

一、 选择最佳建议。



)5、sore throat6、hungry

)7、thirsty8、stressed out

)9、tired10、junk food

a、 drink hot tea with honey

b、 see a dentist

c、 listen to music

d、 don’t eat too much,try to eat it once a week.

e、 go to bed early.

f、 don’t eat anything for 24 hours.

g、 lie down and rest.

h、 drink some orange juice.

i、 eat some food..

j、 drink lots of water.

二、 选择意思相近或相同的词语替换划线部分。

)1、thank you very much for giving me so much help.

a、more much b、a lot c、much too d、kind of

)2、we can see a number of people in the park on weekend.

a、a few b、a lot of c、much d、some more

)3、 my sister is feeling terrible , so my parents h**e to send her to the hospital.

a、carryb、bring c、catch d、take

)4、miss huang hasn’t come back . she’s looking after the children.

a、babysitting b、looking for c、keeping d、helping with

)5、if you want to keep healthy , you must take exercise every day.

a、stayb、make c、h**e d、get



ithis weekend.


i amshanghai tomorrow.


drinking milk can me healthy.


i’mgoing to guangzhou for my vacation.


this time , i am goingto relax.

6、it usually takes miss li15 minutes to walk to school.(改为一般疑问句)

it usually miss li 15 minutes to walk to school?

7、my father takes the school bus to school every day.(改为否定句)

my fatherthe school bus to school everyday.

8、she often goes to work by bus.(对划线部分提问)

she often to work.?

9、it usually takes me an hour to do my homework.(对划线部分提问)

does it usually take you to do your homework?

10、did your mother walk to the bus station yesterday?(改为同义句)

did your mother go to the bus stationyesterday?.

五、 根据句意及括号内的英文释义或提示填写单词。

1、it takes me five (one sixtieth part of an hour) to walk to school.

2、we go to school on (any day except saturday and sunday).

3、what does the word “ primarymi:n/)?

4、my chinese teacher is more s than my english teacher .so he doesn’t smile.

5、my friend’s f**orite subject is化学).


1、my english teacher often tells us jokes to make us in class.

2、——here’s an invitation.

—for ?

—for you.

3、another computer program has information about

4、my grandpa tells many stories than my grandma does.

5、don’tyour mother will get better soon.

it usually miss li 15 minutes to walk to school?

2、my father takes the school bus to school every day.(改为否定句)


1、i’m sorry, i can’t you this weekend.

a visiting b to visit c visit d to

2、——can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?

a. sure,i love to h**e a piano lesson.

b. sorry, i love to.

c. of course, i can’t

d. .i’m sorry .i’m going to see miss li.

3、——can you come to help me with chemistry or physics?

a. yes i can.

b. no, i can’t

c. i can help you with chemistry.

d. sorry i can’t

4、she to finish her geography project this afternoon..

a has b h**e c can d must

5、——why bob come to the baseball game?

—because he’s ill

a isn’t b don’t c can d can’t

6、maria usually gets to school subway.

a、on b、by c、in d、with

7、when can we get there?

itwhen we get on the train.

a、looks b、depends on c、lies d、looks on

8is it from your school to the shopping center?

it is about two kilometers.

a、how far b、how often c、how long d、how much

9、there are still a few hamburgers. would you like to h**eone , julia?

a、the other b、other c、others d、another

10、today is thursday andis saturday.

a、yesterday b、the day before yesterday c、tomorrow d、the day before tomorrow

11、tom gets up late , so hetake a taxi to school.


民乐三中2006 2007学年第二学期期终试卷座次号 八年级英语。i.亲爱的同学们,紧张而愉快的初二生活将要结束了。答这封卷子之前,我想提醒你们几句 写一手漂亮的字,是每一个人的心愿,也是现代人步入社会的重要的自我推介和名片。中考 高考,优美整洁的书法可以享受加分的奖励 如果你能在这封卷子上留下优美...


2008 2009学年第一学期期末检测试题。八年级英语。总分 120分,时间 100分 班级姓名得分。第一部分 听力测试 25分 注意 将所有选择题写在答题卡上,否则不计分。i.根据你听到的句子,从下面每小题的三个选项中选择最佳答句。每小题念一遍 共10小题,每小题1分 abcabc 3.like ...


完型填空 dad has always been really interested in my 1 since first grade he has asked 2 school is going,and he really cares that i 3 good grades.sometimes...