
发布 2021-03-30 04:57:28 阅读 4142







i. 根据你听到的句子,从下面每小题的三个选项中选择最佳答句。每小题念一遍(共10小题,每小题1分)

abcabc )3. like you

)4. a.100b.80c.120

)5. like them

)6. are welcome to meet you, too you

)7. to hear you are

)8. very far from here way, please

)9. to get your message that’s

internet is busy enough

)10. two o’ weeks

ii. 下面各组对话后均有一个与对话内容有关的问题,从下面每小题的三个选项中找出能回答这个问题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填在答题卷上,每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)

) much will the woman pay for the socks?


) was the weather like in beijing?

so good don’t know

) will the boy do tonight?

work on a maths problem. go to the evening party

h**e a rest at home

) does daniel mean?

doesn’t like likes both tea and coffee

likes coffee

) made a telephone call half an hour ago?


) were jill’s best holidays

a. staying with her grandparents

b. staying with her friends.

c. staying at home.

)17. where did jill’s grandparents live?

the ireland.

) did jill go to the countryside for?

a study

) did they do in the evening?

to stories. a bicycle.

) did jill think of these holidays in ireland?

iv.听取信息。(共5小题 ,每小题1分)






)21. —whatthe weatherthe day before yesterday?

it was rainy and windy.

like /

) football match isexciting than watching flower show.

)23. —where h**e you been in hong kong?

i wonderful.

to to ) won’t go to see the film alonemary goes with me.

) daughter has already playedmary goes with me.

a./, ) you enjoy friends with foreigners and practice

make, to speak speaking make, speaking speak

) family isthan

yours yours

)28. —do you often hear bobin his room?

listen, now we can hear himin his room again.

to sing singing sing sing, singing

) felton his back when he was sleeping.

strange nothing anything

)30. —it’s very hot today, isn’t it?

yes. why not keep all the windows and doors to h**e more cool and fresh air?

) must lookthese wild animals because they are in

dangerous danger

)32. —when i the plastic, i found two lovely necklaces.

what a big surprise!

off ) ambition isa famous doctor.


)34does it take you to fly to london?

more than 12 hours.

long ) the first edition of the news***** was published, most students and they were quite interested in the articles.

responsible for pleased with unaware of dependent on



民乐三中2006 2007学年第二学期期终试卷座次号 八年级英语。i.亲爱的同学们,紧张而愉快的初二生活将要结束了。答这封卷子之前,我想提醒你们几句 写一手漂亮的字,是每一个人的心愿,也是现代人步入社会的重要的自我推介和名片。中考 高考,优美整洁的书法可以享受加分的奖励 如果你能在这封卷子上留下优美...


2012年八年级寒假精品小班测试题。姓名测试时间分数 一 英汉互译。1 h e a toothache 2 see a doctor 3 lie down 4 the balance of yin and yang 5 去 的路。6 中医。7 西方国家。8 此时。一 选择最佳建议。1 headach...


完型填空 dad has always been really interested in my 1 since first grade he has asked 2 school is going,and he really cares that i 3 good grades.sometimes...