
发布 2021-05-14 17:39:28 阅读 5530




对初二各单元的内容进行系统复习、归纳、总结; 高于教材, 在教材的基础上加深拓展。 从词汇、句型、语法、阅读、翻译、写作等方面对学生进行全方位的强化训练,达到打好基础,提高运用能力和考试成绩的目的。

1. 紧扣初二教材,以本为本,帮助学生彻底理解、消化、记忆和运用教材中所学知识。

2. 对所学内容进行系统的复习、归纳和总结,理清学生思路,概括巩固所学知识。

3. 有些内容高于教材,在教材的基础上加深拓展,有利于扩大学生的知识面。


教学课时安排:基本上按计划上课,可根据学生具体情况和要求,灵活处理,如有特殊情况,另作通知。 (每次课2课时,40分钟/课时)







unit 1 how often do you exercise?

点击要点。一。 重点单词。

although exercise maybe lessdifferencekeephardly grade

二。 重点短语。










1. how often/soon/ long/far/many/much

1do you go to the movies? -twice a month.

2is this shirt? -50 yuan.

3did it take you to do the homework?

-- it took me 2 hours to do the homework.

4will they come back? -in a week.

5students are there in class two?

---there’re forty-eight students in class two.

6is your home from your school?

--it’s ten kilometers from my home to my school.

2. kind of/ kinds of

1) the bike isexpensive.

2) there are allflowers in the park.

3. try to do/ try doing

1) they are trying hardlearn) english.

2) i am tryingdo) it this way.

3) we should try our besthelp)the people in trouble.

4. maybe/may be

1) sheknows the answer.

2) hein the office.

3he is in the office.

5. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times

1) my sister goes to work by bike

2) i will go to visit parisin the future.

3) he has been to tianjin

4) it often takes meto do the cleaning.

四。 重点句。

1. my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

2. so maybe i’m not very healthy, although i h**e one healthy habit.

3. good food and exercise help me to study better.

4. is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?

五。 重点语法。

表示时间频度的副词always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never的用法。

基础巩固。一。 单项选择。

)1do you go home? -once a week

a. how long b. how often c. how many

)2. let’s talk about the between english and chinese.

a. difference b. different c. differences

)3. can you speak a little louder? i canhear you.

a. hard b. really c. hardly ever

)4. we went to the mountains. i feeltired.

a. a kind of b. a lot of c. kind of

) lot of vegetables help you in good health.

a. to keep b. to let c. to want

)6. he is illhe is hard-working.

a. although…but b. although, x c. although, and

)7. he late for class. mr. zhang is angry with him.

a. always is b. is always c. never is

)8. i want you with me every day.

a. exercise b. to exercise c. exercises

)9. he comes back in two days, but i’m not sure.

a. may be b. must c. maybe

)10the master beats the table with a ruler as he cries “silence, please.”

a. sometime b. sometimes c. some time

)11. please keep the windowwhen you are at home.


1.that s right.that s all right.all right.that s right意为 对的 表示赞同对方的意见 看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如 i think we must help the old man.我想我们应该帮助这位老人。that s right.或...


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