
发布 2021-05-14 11:48:28 阅读 6258




专项讲解】冠词的分类:冠词可以分为两类,一类是不定冠词a 和an, 一类是定冠词the。

和an 常用在单数可数名词前,表示“泛指”,强调“一”的意思。

例如:a boy, a gift, a cat, an apple, an orange, an hour等等。


eg. ①do you enjoy your school life ?

——yes, of course. i’ve had __wonderfor time here


——what would you like ?

glass of orange juice please. thank you

there isapple tree in our school.


2. the 用在单数或复数名词前,表示的是特指的某些人或事物,一般翻译为“这”,一般在名词后面有限制性词组或句子。

比较:this is an orange


the orange is mine


eg: ①do you know___university student who is taking wih joe?

—yes ,she ‘s my cousin, kate.


look, simon,__walkman(随身听) that i bought last year isn’t working properly

___woman in a purple skirt is betty’s mather


3. 序数词前一般加定冠词the,表示的顺序的排列,但序数词前也可以加不定冠词a 或 an 表示的是“另一个”或“又一个”的含义。

如:—would you like a second cup of tea?

—ok , thanks

上述句子中的 a second cup of tea = another cup of tea

eg. although i falied four times ,my father encouraged me to h**e a __try


4. 一些固定搭配中的不定冠词。

1)一些表示数量的词组中。如:a few , a little, a lot, a couple of

2)一些表示重量,长度,时间等的词组中。如:a week , a handful of (少量) ,at a time (每次)

3)“h**e / take + a +抽象名词”与该名词的动词同义。 如:h**e a talk = talk, h**e a swim =swim, h**e a look = look ,h**e a walk =walk

5. 其他的必须记住的搭配:

h**e a cold

h**e a good time

in a hurry

once upon a time (从前)

for a long time, make a face

6. 表示独一无二的名词前加定冠词the。如:the moon, the sun, the earth.

例如: the sun is bigger than the moon

eg . earth we live on is bigger than __moon

a the , ab, the ,thec. an ,ad. the ,

7. 序数词和形容词的最高级前要用定冠词 the。

例如: that was the happiest day in her life.

那是她一生中最幸福的日子, the capital of china ,is one of __cities in the world

a . the biggestb. biggerc. much biggerd. big

8 .姓名或姓名复数前加the ,表示某某一家人,或夫妻俩。

例如: the greens are watching tv.

eggreens are on___visit to a beautiful city in china

a./,ab. a, thec. the, /

9. 在某世纪某年代前加定冠词the。如:in the 1870’s,在19世纪70年代。


eg. ①she could play __piano at the age of four


does tian often play___guitar after __school

athe,thebthe,ac the, /da, /

10. 一些固定搭配的定冠词。

如:in the morning

in the end

on the right

take sb by the hand (抓住某人的手)

hit sb on the soulder(拍某人的肩)

eg. the browns often come over to my family __the evening




如:it is saturday today

2)语言,学科, 三餐,球类前,不用冠词:

如:maths is hard to learn

3)在与by 连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词:

如:by bus= take a bus, by bike , by train

4) 在一些固定搭配前不用冠词:

如:husband and wife(夫妻)

at home/school, in fact(事实上)

in bed(躺在床上)

eg. —will you get there by___train?

——no , i ‘ll take __taxi

a. /abathec a



1. 第一次提到的人或事物:

i bought一辆自行车)yesterday.

there is一块橡皮)on the desk.

2. 表示有某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物:

一个学生)is looking for you.

3. 表示一类人或事物中的任何一个:

火车)is faster than汽车).

大象)is stronger than马).

4. 虽然有“一”的含义,但不强调数量:

i h**e一个姐姐). her name is lily.

5. 用于表示时间、长度、**等的单位名词前,表“每一”,相当于every:

you should take this medicine一天三次).


1.不定冠词的基本用法 1 表示数量 一 相当于 one i ll return in a day or two。2 表示 同一 相当于 the same the children are of an age。3 表示泛指或类指,指人或事物的某一个 某一类。如 he wants to he a do...


冠词答案。1 b。第一空是泛指 第二空的one是不定代词,用以替代前面的ruler。2 a 3 c。这是一句谚语,意思是 一天吃一个苹果,用不着看医生。4 c。one强调数量,用以回答 how many 问句 第二个空是泛指,故用an。5 a。one虽以元音字母开头,但以辅音音素 w 开头,故填a。...


a an the a an the 放在名词前,和后面的名词一起构成名词短语 a an 一个 或者 某一个 不特指是何人何物。例如 首次提到的某一人或某一物时,用a an。there is a boat in the river.泛指某一人或某一物,不具体说明是何人何物。a boy is waiti...