初中中考英语名词专题语法讲解 已归纳画出重点

发布 2021-05-14 07:51:28 阅读 5214


1、专有名词:个人,地方,机构等专有名称,如:china, shanghai, li lei等。


jim 吉姆china 中国july 七 friday 星期五 christmas 圣诞节 english 英语。


1)个体名词:某类人或东西中的个体,如 fighter, gun, country,cup, desk, student等。一般可数,有单复数形式。

2)集体名词:若干个体组成的集合体,如 family, team, police, class等。一般可数,有单复数形式。

3)物质名词:无法分为个体的实物,如 cotton,tea, air等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。

4)抽象名词:动作, 状态, 品质, 感情等抽象概念。 如 health, happiness,love, work, life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。



1)一般情况加 –s :books,mouths,houses,girls等。

2)以 s,sh,ch,x结尾的加 –es:classes,boxes,matches等。

3)辅音字母 + y结尾的变 y为 ies:cities,countries,parties,factories等。

4)以 o 结尾的词 +es:heroes,negroes,tomatoes,potatoes等。(与生命有关的单词,特殊单词竹子bamboos)

以 o 结尾 +s:radios,zoos,pianos,kilos,photos等。(与生命无关)

5)以f,fe 结尾的多数 +es:le**es,lives,wives,knives,halves,wolves等。

直接 + s 的名词:roofs proofs, gulfs, beliefs等。

2、 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:【难点】

1) 改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。如:man men, woman women, tooth teeth, foot feet, mouse mice, child children等。

2)单复数形式相同。如:sheep, deer, fish等,以及由汉语音译表示度量、币制等单位的名词。


如:chinese, japanese, swiss等。

以-an结尾或其他形式结尾的表示民族、国家的人的名词变复数时在词尾加-s.如:americans, asians, russians, australians, italians, germans等。

注意:englishman englishmen, frenchman frenchmen.

3)单复数相同: sheep, fish, deer, means, chinese, japanese.

说明] a. fish如表示不同种类的鱼时复数是fishes: there are many kinds of fishes in that lake.

b. 以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化。

man teacher— two men teacherswoman doctor—three women doctors.

boy student---five boy studentsapple tree---four apple trees

3、复合名词的复数形式: son-in-law---sons-in-law , looker-on—lookers-on, 主体名词变化。


a. 用复数形式表示不同种类wheats, fruits, vegetables.

b. 表示比原文更广的词义wood—woods, water—waters, sand—sands.

6、定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人:the turners, the smiths, the wangs.

7、集体名词people, police 总是作复数: several police were on duty.

8、集体名词class, public, family, population, team, crew 等单复数都有,但意义不同:

the class is big.--the class are taking notes in english.

the population in china is larger.--80% of the population in china are peasants(农民).

9、hair 表示总体时是不可数: his hair is grey.

如果表示若干根头发可以加复数词尾。 he had a few white hairs.

10、以s 结尾的学科名词只作单数。mathematics , physics, politics等;news也是如此。

11、glasses, trousers, 等常用复数;但如果这些词前用 a pair of …/this pair of…//that pair of…等修饰时谓语动词有pair 来决定:where are my glasses ?my new pair of trousers is too long.

here are some new pairs of shoes.


a piece of news / information / advice / bread / cake / ***** / meat / coal

a bottle of ink, a grain of rice , a cake of soap

重点】 13、中考常考不可数名词:information, weather, news, advice, fun等。

[说明]:可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界限;可数名词可以转变为不可数名词 ,同样不可数名词也可以转变为可数名词,要看清整个上下文的具体内容。



考例】there is goodfor you. i've found your lost watch. [广东省]

a. newsb. ideasc. messagesd. thoughts

my uncle will come to my house for dinner.i want to buy some __to make a vegetable salad for him.[济宁]

a.meatb.tomatoesc.apple juice

the teacher said we needed to choose three for the school concert. [重庆]

a. farmers b. doctors c. driversd. singers

at night the koala bear gets up and eats广元]

a.1eafb.1e**esc. leafs

come on,children.help yourselves to someif you like.[南通]

a.fish and chicken b.fishes and chicken c.fish and chickens d.fishes and chickens

all the __teachers enjoyed themselves on march 8th,because it was their own holiday.[ 重庆]




mr smith always hasto tell us.[青岛]

a.some good pieces of newsb. some pieces of good news

c.some good piece of newesd.some piece of good newes

—would you like to h**e a look at some pants?they may fit you well.

一well,i'd like to try those blue黄冈]


would you like some drinks, boys?[ 河北] ―yes, ,please.


5 动名词作状语 动名词作状语表示在进行一动作的同时所进行的另一动作,它对谓语动词起修饰和陪衬的作用。动名词作状语可以表示时间 原因 条件 让步 结果 方式或伴随情况。h ing cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden.时间 打扫完房间,我们开始在...

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中考英语语法备考知识点讲解 名词

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