
发布 2021-05-11 19:36:28 阅读 9474


[1] 试题。

[2] 答案与解析。

模拟试题:1. my train arrives in shenyang at seven o’clock tomorrow.

the plane i would like to take from there __by then.

a. would le**e b. will h**e left c. has left d. had left

2. _the building did he realize that there was danger everywhere in it.

a. upon entering b. when he entered c. only after entering d. after he had entered

3. he will do anything for us except __us his oxen.

a. lending b. will lend c. lend d. has lent

4. the suspect at last admitted __the stolen goods but he denied __them.

a. receiving…selling b. to receive…sellingc. receiving…to sell d. to receive…to sell

5. how close parents are to their children __a strong influence on the character of the children.

a. h**e b. has c. h**ing d. to h**e

6. _on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.

a. if walking b. walking c. while walking d. when one is walking

7. professor smith’s dedication to __earned him the respect of both his colleagues and students.

a. being taught b. be taught c. teach d. teaching

8. if only i __what you wanted!

a. knew b. know c. had known d. h**e known

9. he was reading a piece of science fiction, completely __to the outside world.

a. to be lost b. lost c. losing d. h**ing lost

10. i’d rather that they __during the bad weather, but they insist that they must return home today.

a. don’t tr**el b. didn’t tr**el c. shouldn’t tr**el d. not tr**el

11. the manager g**e her his __that her complaint would be investigated.

a. consent b. conception c. assurance d. insurance

12. it has always been the __of this company to promote existing staff to senior positions.

a. procedure b. policy c. process d. prime

13. when he graduated from high school he got his __

a. diplomat b. certificate c. degree d identity

14. these varied racial groups h**e learned to live together in peace and __setting an example well worth following.

a. harmony b. grace c. rhythm d. relief

15. john dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must __the curiosity and creativity of children.

a. stimulate b. spare c. seek d. secure

16. in 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of eastern europe __europe into a great war.

a. imposed b. pitched c. inserted d. plunged

17. what are your __for judging a bottle of wine?

a. regulations b. rules c. premises d. criteria

18. to help students understand how we see, teachers often draw a(n) _between an eye and a camera.

a. contrast b. analogy c. image d. substitute

19. whereas sudden great disasters are instantaneous, others, such as droughts, are __

a. cumulative b. formidable c. eternal d. prospective

20. we are always ready to __our motherland from any foreign aggression.

a. defend b. protect c. guard d. shield

21. the train has been___by an accident.

a. delayed b. postponed c. put off d. relayed

22. can you __any smell of the gaswhich is escaping?

a. discover b. detect c. find d. spot

23. a(n) _annoyance of bus terminals is the abundance of exhaust fumes.

a. instantaneous b. regular c. inherent d. extensive

24. they h**e no idea of the __rich in mineral springs.

a. locality b. location c. situation d. site

25. when tasuma first came to the from japan, he wasn’t sure he could __into american culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here.

a. absorb b. transform c. digest d. assimilate



[1] 试题。

[2] 答案与解析。

答案详解:1. b)【句意】我乘坐的火车明天7点到沈阳,到那时,我想乘坐的航班可能已经从那里起飞了。

【难点】时间状语by then意为“到那时”,常和将来完成时连用。

2. c)【句意】只在进入大楼后,他才意识到危机四伏。


3. c)【句意】除了不借给我们牛用之外,他愿为我们做任何事情。

【难点】h**e nothing but ,do nothing /anything but /except 这种结构,只要位于but /except 前面的成分中包含动词do ,则 but/except后必定跟动词原形。


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