初中英语中考语法专项复习 介词

发布 2021-05-11 19:34:28 阅读 8561


考例1]——when did the great earthquake in wenchuan happen?

——it happened __2:28 __the afternoon of may 12,2008. (2023年,四川达州)

a. on;in b. at;on c. at;in d. on;on


考例2]i’ve been collecting old coins __ten years ago. (2023年,福建厦门)

a. for b. about c. since

简析]c。完成时用for或since连接时间,for和一段时间连用,since和时间点连用,表示一段时间。ten years ago是时间点,故选c。




[考例1]shanghai liesthe east of china andthe northeast of guangdong. (2023年,江苏宿迁)

a. in; to b. in; in c. to; to d. to; in


考例2]mr smith livesthat building. his house isthe fifth floor. (2023年,天津)

a. in; on b. of; to c. on; in d. to; at


[点拨]这类介词是中考热点之一,必须熟练掌握其用法。请看下面“顺口溜”:里面上面in和on,under下方above在上;near附近beside在旁边,behind后in front of在前方,on the left/ right在左右两旁;“大地方”常用in,“小地点”用at连;between常指“两者”间,among“三者”记心间;below, above低/高于,over,under垂直上(方)下方。



[考例1]——how do you learn english so well?

chatting with my uncle in america online.(2023年,浙江绍兴)

a. for b. by c. in d. with


[考例2]betty, let’s make a cakesome flour, sugar, butter and milk. (2023年,上海)

a. at b. of c. in d. with


[点拨]中考常考的表示“方式”的介词有in, with, by, through等。in表示“以……方式;用……语言、文字”或表示所用的材料;with表示用某种具体的工具、器械或手段;by意为“用;靠;借助”,后接名词或v.-ing形式;表交通方式的介词泛指用by,如by bike, by bus;特指用in或on,如on the bike, in the bus。


[考例]the policeman helped the old womanthe road. (2023年,安徽芜湖)

a. above b. across c. through d. over


[点拨]这类介词常与动词连用,表示动作的方向。into, towards, behind, for, against等也属于此类介词。


[考例]——oh, the new school uniform is so ugly that i don’t like it.

i think the uniform is out of style! and girls should wear skirtspants! (2023年,山东临沂)

a. me, neither; instead of

b. me, too; instead of

c. me, neither; without

d. me, too; without

简析]a。与上句观点一致,由于前句是否定句,因此用“me, neither”; instead of意为“代替”。

[点拨]中考常考的短语介词有because of, instead of, out of, in spite of, in front of等。


[考例1]——why did you go swimmingtom?

—because he was ill at home. (2023年,四川攀枝花)

a. with b. besides c. beside d. except

[简析]d。besides意为“除了……还有”;except意为“除去;把……除外”,指从整体中除去一部分。由because he was ill at home可知tom没有去游泳,故选d。

[点拨]中考中常见的易混词有besides, except, except for; between, among; across, through, over; in front of, in the front of等。


[考例1]——i think drinking milk every morning is goodour health.

—yes, i agreeyou. (2008,湖北孝感)

a. to; to b. with; to c. at; with d. for; with

简析]d。be good for意为“对……有好处”;agree with sb意为“同意某人”,故选d。

考例2]we looked at each othersurprise when we heard a bird singing “happy birthday to you”. 2023年,山东潍坊)

a. in b. to c. by d. at

[简析]a。in surprise是固定搭配,意为“惊讶地;惊奇地”,符合题意。

[点拨]介词常与动词、形容词、名词等构成固定搭配,如depend on, look forward to, get ready for, be proud of, in surprise, on the way等。复习时应认真总结归纳,用心记忆。


初中英语的介词语法 一 表示时间的介词 in on 1 at表示 在某一时刻 某一时点 2 in表示 在某月 季节 年 世纪 以及泛指的上 下午 晚上。in september in winter in 1999 in the 20th century in the morning afternoo...


介词 虚词 不能在句子中独立充当成分。它总是用于名词 代词 或相当于名词的其它词类或短语从句前。一 时间介词的用法辨析 1.时间介词in on at by的用法辨析。a.介词 in 年 月 季节及一天中的某部分如 in the morning b.介词 on 具体某天。具体某天的上 下午等 星期词 ...

初中英语中考复习 介词与连词

中考复习系列六介词和连词。一 中考对介词和连词的知识要求 中考对介词的考查主要集中在 1 掌握常用介词及其词组的主要用法和意义 2 掌握常用动词 形容词与介词 副词的固定搭配及其意义。中考对连词的考查主要集中在 1 掌握并列连词and,but,or,so等的主要用法 2 掌握常用的从属连词的基本用法...