
发布 2021-05-11 14:43:28 阅读 5268

there is a girl and two boys under the desk.

there is some water in the bottle.

eg. there is going to a a sports meeting.

a. be b. isc. h**ed. has

3. 助动词。


主+don’t +v+宾第三人称单数主+doesn’t+宾。

复数人称 do +主+v+宾? does+主+v+宾?

eg. tom does sports every morning.

a: 否:tom doesn’t sports every morning.

疑:does tom do sports every morning?


一、 标志词。

yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/ night /term...段时间+ago”

just now =a moment ago 刚才, this morning, in 1980,

long long ago=once upon a time


1. be 动词was /were

eg. he was a man doctor.

a: 复: they were men doctors. (只有man 和woman均变复数)

eg. it is a car factory.

they are car factories.

2. there was / were就近原则。

绝不与h**e / has / had 连用。

主+ ved +宾。

3. 助动词主+ didn’t +v +宾。

did +主+ v +宾?

eg. :they had to the concert last night.

a: 否:they didn’t h**e to the concert last night.

疑:did they h**e to the concert last night?


一、 标志词。

now, look!, listen!, at this time=at the moment, at + 整点时间。

二、 基本结构。

主+am / is / are +ving +宾。


一般加 ing

以e结尾的词去e 加inghike → hiking

辅音+元音+辅音的词,双写末尾辅音加 ing swim → swimming

die (v) 死dying

tie (v) 捆,系tying

lie (v) 躺,撒谎lying



一、 标志词。

at this time, yesterday, then, at that time=at that moment,

at + 整点时间+过去时间。


主+was / were +ving +宾。


一、 标志词。

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week / term / year / month...

in +段时间”,(how soon), in the future, in 2020, at once = right away = in a minute 立刻,马上,after a while.


主+will +v + 宾。

1. 主+ won’t + v + 宾。

will + 主 +v+宾?(当一般疑问句时,第一人称多用shall—shall i/we…?)

eg. :my mother will arrive at the airport in two hours.

how soon will your mother arrive to the airport?

2. 表示某人打算将要去做。。。

主+ am/is/are going to +v+宾。

类似词有:le**e, come, die… 均用进行时表将来。

eg. :i’m coming.

i’m dying (die) of hunger.

look at the black clouds, it c (rain).

a. will rainb. is raining

c. is going to raind. rains


主+would +v+宾。

主+was/were going to do +宾。

eg. she said she would move (move) to school the next year.



already, yet, ever, never, just, before, for + 段时间,

how long) “持续了一段时间”

since + 点时间。


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